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A list of 2012 topics discussed on the Bad Astronomy / Universe Today forum |
- 2003 no, 2012 si
- 2012
- End of Mayan Calendar
- Pole shift / Planetary alignment 2012?
- 2012 alignment question
- about the Mayan 2012 item
- 2012 Debunking?
- Possible asteroid impact in 2012?
- 2012 asteroid?
- We don't have to worry about 2012!
- More on 2012 from India Daily
- 2012 Completion of conspiracy?
- Here's what's REALLY going to happen in 2012...
- crop circles, Planet X and 2012
- Planet X, crop circles and 2012 cataclysma
- According to the Mayans, what will happen on 23rd Dec. 2012?
- More 2012 Nonsense
- NEO 2012?
- Dangerous NEO in 2012?
- Christmas 2012
- 2012 mayan calender end of world
- Regarding the supposed polar shift/new ice age in 2012
- New 2012 threat?
- 2012 look at this thing on the sun
- Russian Expert Predicts Global Cooling from 2012
- Pole shift idea origins
- Dec 20 2012
- 2012 Stuff
- No reply previous question
- Horizon Project-New End of World Scare?
- Date: December 21st 2012
- Earth passing thru Galactic center in 2012 - didn't that already happen?
- 2012: What do you think well happen (if anything)
- So what will we see in 2012?
- Galactic Tsunami?
- Plane of the ecliptic of the galaxy?
- Earth's Magnetic Field & 2012
- 2012?
- Any truth to this?
- How can the sun be aligned with Galactic centre?
- the whole 2012 poles flip nonsense
- Planet X Official Advertisement
- What year are we in
- Quick question about the sun
- Galactic Alignment
- Books of 2012! -
- 2007 = 2012
- Return of Planet X By Rand
- Don Alejandro - Mayan Elder.
- Toutatis 4179: 2012?
- Galactic Alignment in 2012 ?
- Solar Storms
- A real prediction!
- NIBURU - Brown Dwarf, The DESTROYER
- 2012 Galactic Alignment
- Not 2012 again! But I cant help it~
- New evidence for 2012 TEOTWAWKI!!!
- this may be a silly question but...
- Just to know if this is true
- Just Wondering...
- Planet X/Nibiru, is it real?
- Youv heard this a million times.
- Nibaru or Planet X
- Mayan calendar
- 2012 Article?
- can i say something please on planet x
- Nibiru
- The growing earth.... :P
- Our Solar System's Eclipse of the Galactic Plane on Dec 21, 2012?
- Something scaring the hell out of me....
- It's Only the end of the World AGAIN!!! (Woo Woo Alert)
- 2021 Doomsday
- is it just me or is the milky way brighter..?
- Polar Shift in 2012?
- I would like to ask about Nubiru stuff...
- Bit behind the times, my appologies...
- the "pole shift thing"
- All the Truth about 2012
- Confused about 2012 (yes, another one!)
- Another paranoia mind due to 2012
- novelty theory
- Possibility of Pole Shift
- 2012 Vectors
- Nibiru Question
- Odd things floating on google sky
- 2012 end of the world?
- 2012 and Solar Storms?
- Nibiru
- Sun polar shift weirdness.
- Question? [2012]
- December 21st 2012
- 2012 is giving me a Headache
- UN Agenda 21 and the coming pole reversal scare
- Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe
- Is there even something to this?
- We're not the only ones fighting 2012 nonsense
- True or not?