Calleman does not propose an apocalyptic event in 2012, but rather in 2011 |
Calleman proposes an alternate end-date |
Carl Johan Calleman is an independent researcher, and from his writings may be a believer in Mayanism1, and believes many things about the Maya and their calendar. However he does not support an apocalyptic event in 2012, and even disagrees with the 'end-date' of the Mayan calendar of 2012-12-21. He proposes an alternate ending date of 2011-10-28.
Calleman's biography
Calleman was born on May 15, 1950 in Stockholm Sweden. He holds a Ph. D in toxicology from the University of Stockholm. His interest in the Maya was sparked by a trip to Mexico and Guatemala in 19792.
Calleman's opinion on 2012
From this perspective it is thus a problem that especially many American “experts on 2012”, along the lines of the upcoming Hollywood movie 2012, have committed themselves to some physical event that they associate with the singular December 21, 2012 date, such as a pole shift, a galactic alignment, a volcanic eruption, an asteroid impact, a solar flare or some other (usually not very well-founded) idea of what may happen on this particular day. Given the total unreasonableness of such ideas, especially in light of the Tortuguero monument, is it not time that they instead start considering an evolutionary model for the Mayan calendar that is consistent with this monument? “2012” has for too long been a playground for pseudo-science and the many unfounded “singular day” ideas blur the fact that the end scenario of the Mayan calendar is really about a socio-economic transformation resulting from processes influencing human consciousness3.
2012 Tranformationalism
Calleman's belief that the Mayan calendar encodes some kind of 'evolutionary path' for mankind's consciousness appears to place him in the transformationalism camp of 2012 proponents, with the caveat that he disputes the 2012 date.
Critiques of Calleman
Archaeologist Johan Normark4 has posted critiques of some of Calleman's arguments on his blog5. In particular Normark says that:
… Calleman’s whole hierarchical schema is based on Colonial period writers, not on Classic period beliefs[3].