Donny Gillson's "Open Letter to YOUTUBE"

This is a copy of the text of Donny Gillson's 'Open Letter to YOUTUBE' as published at BeforeItsNews:

My Open Letter to YOUTUBE :

901 Cherry Avenue
San Bruno, CA 94066

August 25, 2012 RE: Mistaken Termination of Youtube Channel

Dear YouTube;

Please find attached to this letter a list of material removed by you pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 512. I have a good faith belief that this material was removed or disabled in error as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material. I declare that this is true and accurate under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America.

My name is Don Gillson and I am the owner of of the channel hosted on Youtube entitled . I RECENTLY RECEIVED A STATEMENT SAYING THAT I WAS IN VIOLATION OF EXTREME TERMS OF SERVICE OF YOUTUBE DUE TO WRONGFUL COPYRIGHT DMCA FLAGGING. This is untrue and I demand my channel to be reinstated at once. I have filed several complaints against users that have used my material that I rightfully owned and have won all of my copyright claims; infact, the users would come back and file false DMCA attacks on my videos to try and have my channel shut down on many occassions.

Up until now you have agreed with my fight and have restored videos that have been filed copyright and protected under the fair use practices. I have never filed an unlawful copyright against another channel that I did not feel was using my material without my permission. I have been a YOUTUBE partner for over 5 years and also have over 10K+ subscribers and over 3 million + views to my network.There is an outrage right now from my subscribers that my channel has been attacked and that youtubeis actually censoring my work.

I have enjoyed my time on Youtube and would like to come back. All of the work that I have done over the years are on my channel. This includes over 300 videos..most of which were set to private because of the attacks on my channel. Recently, your department reinstated my videos by stating that I was in the right and no penalty would take place on my channel. I am outraged on what has happened and I am hoping that you will look deeply into this matter. I have done nothing but try to protect my material and have been stalked, spoke terribly about, and my material has been used and abused.

You can clearly see if you even write into the search engine my name Donny Gillson, UrsuAdams, or 32 Degrees of Insanity there are several channels that are specific to harrassing me and putting out false information about me.I have reported this as severe violations of youtube and you have taken down several videos that clearly were made to harrass me but have never removed their channels? I am asking why am I being singled out here.

I am sure by now several emails have come in about my channel for review through the email support by my loyal listeners by writing to moc.oohay|thgirypoc#moc.oohay|thgirypoc, moc.elgoog|lagel#moc.elgoog|lagel, and moc.elgoog|troppus-lagel#moc.elgoog|troppus-lagel. I am also a broadcaster on the Freedomizer Radio Network and I will make sure that the masses hear about how I have been falsely targeted and my channel has been taken down by YOUTUBE without notice or bias.

I have done nothing that is against community guidlines or terms of service and what has happened is that YOUTUBE has mistakenly taken down my channel and I request for it to be reinstated as soon as possible.

For the purposes of this matter, I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which I reside. I also consent to service of process by the person providing notification under Section 512(c)(1)(C) or that person’s agent. However, by this letter, I do not waive any other rights, including the ability to pursue an action for the removal or disabling of access to this material, if wrongful. I have done nothing that is against community guidlines or terms of service and what has happened is that YOUTUBE has mistakenly taken down my channel and I request for it to be reinstated as soon as possible.

For the purposes of this matter, I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which I reside. I also consent to service of process by the person providing notification under Section 512(c)(1)(C) or that person’s agent. However, by this letter, I do not waive any other rights, including the ability to pursue an action for the removal or disabling of access to this material, if wrongful.

Having complied with the requirements of Section 512(g)(3), I remind you that you must now replace the blocked or removed material/channel and cease disabling access to it within fourteen business days of your receipt of this notice. Please notify me when this has been done.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions about this notice, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Electronically signed
Donny Gillson

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