Raised in El Salvador, Elizabeth Araujo is a person manifesting a discernment that crosses cultural boundaries. She is the wife and translator for Wandering Wolf, A.K.A Alejandro Oxlag
What does she do?
Appearing to support the wild prophecies of Alejandro, she also travels as a traditional Mayan healer.
Additional Information
In a recent interview, here are the questions that were asked:
"Must we prepare for the change or continue living as we are accustomed to?"
"Why won't everyone go into this ascension?"
"Who will go?"
"How do we prepare to go into this ascension of the planet?"
Elizabeth answered:
"We prepare every day by living with honesty, helping others…especially those in need. Caring for Mother Earth, avoiding any more contamination of the Earth, etc, etc. The change is an end of a Cycle of the Sun and the beginning of a New one. Live well and only God knows who will stay, it has always been this way and that is why we are here. This is all I can say for you my Dears."