I have one thing to say; are you god or the creator of the universes. How did the great myans just disappear. I am becoming more interested in this as the time for the rift draws close. This is not a Y2K incident. There will comets and all sorts of items that will enter our atmosphere. You are and idiot and i hope your ignorace can pull you through the devistation and chaos that the rift will bring. In all movies the first to go are the ones in denial that nothing can happen to our planet. My friend you are in that boat so open your eyes to the reality that we are nothing compare to the univerrse or what it holds for us. We can't even say yet if there is other life in the universe but you confident to say nothing is going to happen when the rift comes. I am just in awe of your denial.
As far as I know, none of the contributors to this site are God, or claim to be God.
The Maya are still alive in the highlands of Guatemala.
Perhaps you would care to tell us more about the 'time for the rift'? We have a forum on this site, and you are welcome to use it.
Objects enter out atmosphere every day. I think that the earth gains about 100 tons of mass daily (IIRC).
The problem with debating us is that as amateur astronomers, professional astrophysicists, chemists, etc., we generally rely on facts, not on unsupported opinion. While opinions about facts can vary, we have very little regard for opinions that are without facts, or are contradicted by the facts.
Here's a fact: The major promoter of the 'dark rift' idea is Jenkins. In the appendix to his book Maya Cosmogenesis and on his website he says this:
The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes.
Precession is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices one degree every 71.5 years. Because the sun is one-half of a degree wide, it will take the December solstice sun 36 years to precess through the Galactic equator (see diagram below).
The precise alignment of the solstice point (the precise center-point of the body of the sun as viewed from earth) with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998 (Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997).
Thus, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016. This is "era-2012."
So, the major promoter of the 'dark rift' idea says that it occurs over a 36 year period. Which now begs the question: Why is 2012 special?
As far as 'the first to go', while I understand how tempting it is to get your science education via popular media, that method does not result in an accurate understanding of the facts and forces involved.
As far as 'life', I can confidently say that the odds are very good that there is extra-terrestrial 'life'. I'll even submit that there is probably intelligent life. However, if someone wants me to believe that ETs visit earth, they're going to have to bring some facts and evidence.
Most astronomers are in awe of the universe and what it holds. That's why we're astronomers. However, we prefer to be in awe of the reality rather than fantasy. The problem is that you've already lost the debate when you resort to the argument "you can't disprove my idea".
You can't disprove that I am a 600 lb highly intelligent orangutan from Vega with pink and purple fur.
Now, were'd I put my hair brush?
I have a mere BSc. I'm not even an amateur astronomer. I have been following this 2012 thing for the best part of two years. I have read up on the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Mayans in ordinary over-the-counter books you can buy in any good bookshop. There is nothing in these accounts of historical fact that supports the assertions of people like Sitchin or Arguelles. There is not even a hint of such matter.
I don't know what angle the orbit of the Earth makes with the supposed dark rift or the central plane of the galaxy. But I know it does not matter except to astronomers, and probably not all that much to them. I know the "dark rift" is a mere gas and dust cloud between us and part of the galaxy. There are probably millions of them in this galaxy and they are obvious in other galaxies. Any gravitational attraction between that cloud and our solar system is weak, has always existed and will not alter just because of some slight change in the angles.
Over the past two years I have seens dozens of assertions that there will be some kind of disaster or big change in December 2012. Most of them are obvious nonsense right from the first sentence. Among those that might have a grain of fact somewhere, one cites the "dark rift", another cites the central plane of the galaxy, a third cites the centre of the galaxy itself. If there had been any solid fact in these assertions they would all be saying the same thing.
In one YouTube video supporting this idea of change or disaster I saw four errors of fact in the first 100 seconds. This is about the standard of the less obvious nonsense.
I am not a student of the occult, however I have read something of it. Maybe forty years ago British novelist and general writer Colin Wilson produced a thick book on the topic called "The Occult". Wilson was criticised for credulity but I'll say no more of that. Among other things he examined the careers of recent occult figures such as Swedenborg, Blavatsky, Rasputin, Edgar Cayce, Daniel Dunglas Home and the would-be magician Crowley. Some of these careers were loaded with fraud, others not so much.
One of the take-home messages obvious from this work is that whatever the abilities of these people, they were all confined to things in their own times, whenever they tried to predict the future, as Cayce did, they fell flat on their faces.
The rising sun might line up with the dark rift on 21 December 2012 when viewed from Belize or Guatemala. But the question that has to be asked is "So what?" I assert "So nothing".
All I have to say is thank God there is one decent website on here that tells the truth. Anyone that believes the 2012 doomsday theory is just as crazy as the ones that created the hoax. I wish I could get Jose Arguelles into a Psych hospital along with all his other nut case friends and do a reality show.. can you imagine the viewers we would get..although I think that I would get really tired of hearing Jose play that damn flute…I am wanting to create a website that I can also let people know that this is hoax. Their are too many trusting people out there and they need to more websites that tell the truth…
Please feel free to believe in any apocalyptic garbage you want to. The fact is, (gods or not), that there is no evidence whatsoever to support claims of apocalyptic disaster for 2012. Secondly, every such claim is based on predictions which are either demonstrably wrong or unpredictable by their nature. Additionally, the possibility of ET intelligence is quite irrelevant here. Since no such intelligence has ever been discovered, any arguments based on it are moot.
So if you feel like freaking yourself out for the next three years, go right ahead. But just consider this: if you freak out OTHER people, now you are accountable for the things you tell them. Be prepared to answer for your reckless and potentially harmful claims when December 22, 2012 rolls around.
You all are only re-confirming the statement that ignorance is bliss, I am neither a believer nor non-believer of 2012, I only keep myself with an open mind. You are all to quick to accept that it is a hoax to truely study evidence saying it will happen, just the same as all hardcore believers of the end of the world are to quick to accept other people's evidence in why it will end. You are all too ignorant to develop your own beliefs on the subject as you all just accept other people's words. And to all the people who are relying on nothing but scientific fact, I must assume that every single one of you must also not believe in any sort of God, because how much scientific evidence is there out there that supports Christianity, right? And how much scientific evidence actually De-Bunks religion? You are all ignorant.
Anyone that is over the age of ten knows the answer to the question: "are you god?"
"Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"! "
I find it saves a lot of arguments.
"Why, yes, I AM a rocket scientist." Also helps. Technically, I only STUDIED rocket science and worked as an astronomer briefly, but I have been an amateur astronomer and have studied science for four decades, so when someone suggests that some "rift" will cause us ill, I have to know. "How did you find this out?" Notice, I do not ask if you are a god… too.
Being a professional computer geek, the parallel for me is one of my non-geeky cow-orkers trying to convince me that someone at the ip address is stalking them.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
yeah, thats not true… its actually someone called "localhost" who's stalking her… :D
Best movie of all time Ghostbusters but i have to ask WHY DO PEOPLE WHO BELIVE IN THIS CRAP EVEN COME TO THIS SITE TO TRY AND SCARE MORE PEOPLE WHY CANT THEY JUST Go some where else
Because they need to validate themselves. What most of these people don't realize is that they're 1) not going to get a fair case and 2) they are privy to believing in anything that sounds too extraordinary to be fiction (i.e., it's become a religion).
I'm interested to see what happens in 2013 when everybody was wrong (as usual). Will anybody be held accountable? No. Probably not. And that's the real tragedy here.
Actually… you know what's funny? This same think happened in 1999 just before 2000. People were freaking out about the end of the world. Naturally it came and went and nothing happened. So they then started coming up with excuses like "Oh but our calendars are inaccurate."
I say if it sounds like bullshit and it smells like bullshit, it's bullshit.
As the cliche goes; It's one thing to have an open mind, but it's quite another to let your brain fall out.
What makes you think that I (or any other contributor to this wiki) is quick to accept that it is all a hoax? The 2012 proponents make claims in specific fields which certain individual authors have studied. For example, I am an amateur astronomer. I teach astronomy to kids. I have a specific set of knowledge at the ready in order to answer and address questions regarding astronomy. Right now I'm preparing my curriculum that I will be using when I visit 5th and 8th grade classrooms, as well as preparing for at least one Boy Scout troop astronomy merit badge and two Girl Scout troops doing an Astronomy patch.
When I run into a claim that is bogus, I can tell you that it is bogus, and why it is bogus. It is not out of ignorance of the subject that I do so.
What has happened here is that the 2012 advocates have either made vague general claims (e.g, "There will be meteors/sunspots/comets/solar flares") or they have made specific claims (e.g., "Planet X will pass close to the earth in 2012").
The response to the first one is: "Yeah, what's your point?" because those events happen all the time. The response to the second one is "Where is this object?"
Here's where the rubber meets the road: If you make a positive claim, you have to bring evidence for it. That's how science works. If you want me to accept that the Earth will pass through a photon belt, you have to show me that (a) photons form belts and (b) that such a structure exists and (c) that we are about to pass through it. Psychic readings don't count.
It is not a case of an opinion formed in ignorance. It is a case of not accepting claims without evidence. The 2012 proponents have consistently failed in this regard.
As I said above, I'm an amateur astronomer. I'm not an expert on (for example) Mayan petroglyphs. The authors of this site seek out expert opinions. For example, the Mayan calendar page was recently updated based on the input of an archeologist who is an expert in (guess what?) Mayan archeology. The critique of Zecariah Sitchin's Nibiru (which depends on his unique interpretation of Sumerian cuneiform) is based on the work of Michael Heiser who is an expert in (guess what?) Sumerian cuneiform. I wouldn't expect Mr. Heiser to critique Sitchin's astronomy (but Rob Hafernik does a good job there).
As far as religious beliefs, the organizers of this website have not vetted contributors for their personal beliefs. I happen to know that there is at least one Christian, at least one Wiccan, and at least one atheist who have contributed material. The idea that you must be an atheist to accept science and reason is a false dichotomy. I can point to several prominent counter-examples.
Now, is there a specific area of the website where you feel that the authors have gone beyond the evidence, or is this simply a general complaint?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Im not gonna crush you with science like everyone else had. I like logic and reasoning! you said:
"You are all too ignorant to develop your own beliefs on the subject as you all just accept other people's words." -Tony. (I like old fashioned quotes)
well my friend. Please, convince me that you know more than somone who studies these things for years. Do you ever buy beef from the store? Well why are you going to take someone else's word that it really is "beef" and not just go and kill a cow yourself? Infact, why take a teachers word on what they teach you? Forget history and math, you have your own opinion! Im not saying your wrong, you make good points. Im saying sometimes you need to take someones word and keep yours to yourself.
p.s. dont troll without expecting to be hit back!
You seem to be confusing evidence with speculation and opinions.
You also seem to be confusing conclusions with beliefs — Unlike beliefs, conclusions change as facts change. For example, 15 years ago we all knew that Pluto was the 9th planet of our solar system. 9 years ago we found another object larger than Pluto. 5 years ago we redefined Pluto's status as it is not, in fact, a planet. Today, we all know that our solar system only has 8 planets. Sometime in the future that will probably change. Hence, with new facts come new conclusions.
And, because you brought it up, science debunks pretty much every religion out there. But, this isn't the forum for that debate. Clearly you are a believer in some faith and there's no point arguing that with you.
So please, do yourself a favor — read a book. Research a topic. Talk to real experts (you can find a lot of them at colleges and universities, surely you must live within driving distance of one?) Learn to recognize fact from fiction, evidence from speculation, reality from fantasy.
to being god into this …well you best get yr facts right ..in the bible.yes he does say he end it ..but not once does he say when ..its says you never no when and how.. god does not claim that he is goin to end the world on 21.12.2012..sum pple believe that he was meant to cum bk on the 6.06.2006..ie 666..but it didnt happen ..as i said if you believe in god..you wont no when he ends the world
Finally, someone of faith who actually makes sense!
Good point. While I am an athiest I have studied the bible, probably in more depth than most christians out there. And you're right… there is no mention of a date and the book is pretty clear that we won't know when appocalypse is coming until it's actually upon us.
But then you've got those darn Nostradamians… but that's another story… :)
first off all the maynes or however you spell it did not say the world would end on decmber 21 2012 its a celabration for the maynes and there are some up in america somewere and the calender is just the end of the 13th burkta or something like that even the maya said msnbc.com and the rumours going around about is a load of b.s and its just for money so don't get sucked, if you look it up from 2010 to 2022 it says the world is gonna end. SO DON"T GET SUCKED IN!!!! so we can have a merry christmas and a happy new year
i hope you this artical rest everyones fears thank you :)
If you believe in God like I do is states in the bible that no man will know the hour he comes. I Believe that people need to stop scaring people out of their minds. I think that people need to stop this madness. No one has the right to force anything on people but don't force this on some one. God wouldn't want this!!!
blabla universe, blablabla maya, blablabla apocalypse. CHILDREN are redaing your crap and get scared so STFU!
I'm in awe of the amount of bullshit you're spewing out. Verbal diarrhea is easy to spot and your case is a classic one.
It's obvious that you've taken to hear the rantings and ravings of the balony artists out there parading around as experts. Talk to a real expert… you know… one that went to college. The kind of person that's studied and researched these very topics. The uninformed and uneducated invent stories to try to explain what they don't understand. The educated have enough of a clue to check things out. Clearly you're in the uneducated boat. Would be great to cut a hole in that hull and see the lot of you argue about what the problem is but that's an experiment for another day.
You mention that this isn't Y2K. Uhm… yeah, it might as well be. Have you noticed the parallels? The same damn claims are being made only 12 years later.
I suppose trying to argue with you is pointless so I deam this response not an argument with you but simply me calling you out so others don't fall into the same trap you did.
See you in 2013!
The same damn claims are being made only 12 years later.
Boom! Almost. 2012 is as fake as Y2K, but Y2K is not even close, I think. Moreover, it's pretty more complicated. Just my opinion. You might think otherwise. :-)
I am just wondering; I do associate Y2K with the computer bug since I am a programmer.
Does Y2K also have a different meaning but not related to the computer bug?
I think we sometimes mingle 2 meanings. The Y2K computer bug was very real because I worked in teams that fixed those. It was also a marketing trick to let people buy an upgrade since it was now Y2K compatible. Some software did not have the Y2K bug but they put that label on it to sell it. But not the end of the world part.
It is actually an abbreviation for year 2000. In addition to the date problem in computer programs, we had the millennialists who thought the world was going to end because it was the end of another 1000 years. They thought the same thing when the year 1000 was approaching. A lot of people don't realize that the y2k doomsday included both of these. They think that people thought the world would end because computers would fail. Maybe some people did think that, but most of us knew that if computer programs were not updated for a 4 digit year, things that were supposed to happen on a particular date wouldn't happen because the computer would read the year 00 as 1900 instead of 2000. It could have caused a lot of problems, but certainly not the end of the world.
There are a lot more kids being frightened now because they all have access to the internet and they read all the crackpot sites and watch the ridiculous faked videos on YouTube. Then of course we have the fact that the History Channel decided that actual history wasn't drawing enough viewers, so they went to showing their incessant doomathons and earned the name I like to use for them (Hysteria Channel). So, even though the doomsday claims have been recycled a few times, it's all new to kids.
Have you heard of the Spanish Inquisition? the Mayans did not disappear…they shared the same fate as the Aztecs they were enslaved, butchered and mix breaded with the Spanish making the Mexicans we know today…and your not god either so stop acting like you hold the truth in your hands…if your so religious you'd know Revelations says "No one knows the date or the hour…not even the son." what will these people who sacrificed people to make Eclipses go away know the date that not even the Son of god knows. If your scientific you'd know a Giant Planet drawing close will be easy to see in a telescope…and I heard rumors that it only could be seen from Antarctica is bullocks any star that can be seen in the southern hemisphere will be able to be seen by EVERYONE in the southern hemisphere…and if the truth of 2012 is so undeniable…how come you doomsayers cant agree on one end…its a hoax.
You seriously want to bring God into your post by suggesting the creaters of this site claim to be acting like God? If anything, it's the fanatics of 2012 that claim to be God by projecting when of the world will be. I believe that Jesus said that even he did not know the day nor hour because he will be a theif in the night. Moreover, the Bible also warns us of false prophets and those claiming to know when that time will come. If you want to bring God into this, take that Bible out, if you even own one, and study it. If you do then you will find that the most straight forward scriptures dwell on how we can't possibly know when the end will come.
No this is NOT a Y2K incident ---Y2K was and IS a fact--- many computers and software including Microsoft Windows could not handle the date change and issued software PATCHES to fix the program.
2012 is just fantasy mixed in with junk science— where is Planet X? Where is this huge asteroid or comet? Where is the blackhole wondering through the solar system? Do you really believe that hundreds of professional astronomers would have just "missed" seeing them or measuring their influence on planetary orbits?
Here watch this famous astronomer debunk 2012— and read what NASA has to say about it. 2012 is just junk science gone MAD!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJjQMwEjC1I Tyson debunks Planet X & 2012
http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/ask-an-astrobiologist/intro/nibiru-and-doomsday-2012-questions-and-answers NASA 2012 web site
I for one had only 1 out of many of my computers affected by the Y2K glitch. It was an old 386 that I was running an old XCOM game on. It worked perfectly fine the day before mind you. I miss having a computer I could reliable play that game on without it running to fast.
I had a few machines that were "impacted" but were easily patched before the problem occurred.
Unfortunately for me it was an off brand computer and despite my searches before it happened I never could find a bios patch for the motherboard in that system. I did come across an original pentium laptop this morning at a repair shop that cost me just $50. Hope to have it up and running in the next day or two so I can enjoy XCOM again. :D
OT, but all you have to do is change the system date to get it to run again. I've got several computers that old and older, and that's all I do….
XCOM is awesome, btw… :) You can run it in DOSBox quite easily.
Actually I have a stand-alone package that you can use if you're interested. All you have to do is run the batch script and viola, XCOM running perfectly on any modern computer.
The Y2K bug was real. That's undisputed. The hoax was the doomsday that was supposed to, quite coincidentally, occur at the same time. The sun spots, the comets, the earth quakes… you know, the end of the world.
The fact that there was a bug in computers was only used to validate the supposed horror show that we would witness.
I still remember that day too… And you know what happened?
Nothing of any significance to average people anyway.
No this is NOT a Y2K incident -Y2K was and IS a fact- many computers and software including Microsoft Windows could not handle the date change and issued software PATCHES to fix the program.
The computer problems were very real and we did prepare for it, I was one of those developers that went through all the codes.
However, the rest of the Y2K is completely the same BS as the 2012 claims. Actually it is the same people back then yelling that the end is near in 1999 that is now yelling that 2012 will be the end. I recall that an asteroid would hit Paris, I recall that computers would take over the world and everyone would be marked with a barcode on their face with the number of the beast. I recall that WW III would start back then and aliens would visit us. I also recall that people would become aware of their surrounding and there would be world peace for 1000 of years and we would save the planet….
I have a 7 year old that happened to see something on the history channel that scared him so bad , he became depressed and oftern question the meaning of life, like I said above he is 7!!! This nonsense is scaring our children. I found this website and tried the best I can to explain to him it was all a hoax. I told him that I have survived the end of the world 10 times.
I want to thank you for putting up this sight and debunking all the rumors.
As one of the contributors to this site, you are very welcome.
I also suggest the following links:
http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/ask-an-astrobiologist/intro/nibiru-and-doomsday-2012-questions-and-answers (from Joe's post above)
http://astrogeek.wordpress.com/hoax/ (my site, much of the same information as here)
There's also a links page with a whole bunch of links that may or may not have been integrated into the rest of the site yet.
Give your boy a high-five from me, and tell him there's nothing to worry about. If he has any questions that aren't covered here, feel free to email the site administrator through the welcome page.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
To re-iterate, there is no evidence to suggest anything catastrophic for 2012. Most claims are based on the Mayan calendar and a result of that abysmal documentary your kid saw on the History Channel. These have been thoroughly debunked: the Mayans never made any such predictions for 2012. Neither did any other ancient prophet.
The claims are also based on some astronomical "alignment." Astronomy is my bag. These claims are all bunk. I've seen at least six different versions involving some galactic alignment and the supposed consequences and they are ALL total hogwash. Wherever such astronomical predictions can be made, the ones being made by the doom people are simply wrong. Some of them are outrageously stupid.
I would like to see someone start a class action lawsuit against the History Channel for child abuse. And no, they can't use the disclaimer that they are not actually the ones making this claim; that they are just allowing others to voice their opinions. Nor can they claim that this is just for entertainment. On their web site, the ad for this documentary during "Apocalypse Week" started with: "On December 21, 2012, the world is going to come to an end." They did nothing to soften or qualify this claim in the following text. They never suggested that it was someone else's opinion. They made that statement all by themselves.
Okay, I know that Planet X is crap. I know that the poles won't change over night, or even make much progress within the next three years or so…but does anyone know what happens at the end of a full 26,000 (or so) year Precession? Obviously this has happened before several times in the history of Earth. I'm not really too clear on what it is, either, sorry: I'm a Biologist, not a Physicist, and someone who gets anxious over any threat. Is the precession not harmful to our style of life - like, will it do anything to the poles? I am doubting this as we're probably more or less there, right, so a bit more of a rotation isn't going to be like pressing a big red doom button…I'm just worried because I don't understand why this claim is bunk.
Thank you for your time, please help me settle my nerves.
Hi Anxious;
The hoaxes often have a kernel of truth buried in them. In this case, the kernel of truth is the general precession of the axis of the earth.
Just as the axis of a running gyroscope will move in a circle, the axis of the earth gradually changes position over the course of 26,000 years. This motion is constant, but very, very slow.
There is no 'end of the cycle' per se. The precession moves continuously. The only effect is the gradual change in position of the stars from our point of view. At the other 'end' of the cycle the north celestial pole will be near the star Vega instead of near Polaris. The equinoxes and solstices will occur in different constellations than they do now. None of this has any effect on us. So all of this talk about how such-and-such an event only happens every 26,000 years is true, but irrelevant. It's like saying you only turn 30 once in your lifetime. The response is "So what?".
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Well, life will be a bit more difficult for those of us with telescopes on equatorial mounts… Polar alignment is kinda tricky as it is!
My boss put a lot of faith in the book Fingerprints of the gods??
Is there any truth to that book?
I have not had a chance to review that book, and I don't know if any of the other authors have either. I will make it a point to pick it up at the library and review it here in the near future.
In the meantime, you might find the following review helpful: http://www.csicop.org/si/2002-07/fingerprints.html
Love the site. I had the link here given to me by a local scientist who's twitter I follow. I have researched many different sites, books and articles regarding 2012, the "threats", the debunkers and all - by far this has been the most informative and straight-forward of them all. I am looking forward to you finishing things up such as the Nostradomus page, the I Ching page, and so on. Kudos.
Hi Derrick.
Thank you for the kind words. There are many people who have contributed material to this site, and we are happy to hear that the word is getting around. Just out of curiosity, who was the scientist who gave you the link? We'd like to thank him or her. In case you didn't know, I run a twitter account too where I tweet about updates to this site. You can follow @2012hoax
We just finished the Nancy Lieder page, and I think that perhaps Nostradamus might be a good one to tackle next. Thanks for the suggestion!
This is a very informative site on the 2012 nonsense. However, the Maya part of the site should perhaps need some revisions (this is ultimately something the very idea of an end date falls back upon, but I believe people buying into this hoax does not care about such issues anyway). For example on the page “Mayan calendar”, we find the quote: “The Mayan calendar system was particularly accurate and complex for its time. It was adopted by other Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Aztecs and Toltec in lieu of their own.” Now, the Aztec derived their calendars from earlier Central Mexican people, not from the Maya. More accurate would be to say that Maya calendars and Aztec calendars share similar origin. Although the attached picture is fun, it is not a “Maya calendar”, it is the Aztec solar stone, and has nothing to do with the Long Count (there is no Long Count calendar in the Aztec area), see the link to my blog. On the page “Maya prediction” the picture does not show a Maya mask (and the object has nothing to do with calendars).
By the way, my blog contains references to other hoaxers, most recently a website that combines the prophecies of Saint Bridget, Nibiru and the 2012 date. Creationism meets New Age in a beautiful mixture…
Thank you for your input! As one of the principal authors I deeply appreciate it. I will be implementing some changes based on your input. Unfortunately I will be going on a week's vacation as of tomorrow morning, and will not be able to update the site until I return.
I just left a comment on your blog (very informative blog, by the way) and I'd like to invite you to contribute here, especially in the Mayan calendar sections. I'd like you to think about it and let me know when I return. If you decide not to contribute directly, I hope I can depend on your continued input and corrections via comments here.
I appreciate you taking the time to read the articles here and comment on them. Thank you very much.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
"Now, the Aztec derived their calendars from earlier Central Mexican people, not from the Maya."
As far as I know there is no evidence that anyone before the Maya had a 360 day calendar that interlocked with the 260 count.
NOTE: I am not an expert on the ancient Mesoamerican calendar, so take what I say below with a block of rock-salt.
I have run into this before, and I think that there is still some dispute about who exactly came up with the original version of the Mesoamerican calendar. However, it appears that the majority of scholars think that the calendar predates the classic Maya civilization, and probably originated with the Olmec culture, or with a contemporary of them.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I came over to this site from Y!A and thank goodness you guys are out fighting the good fight. There are atleast 10/20 questions PER DAY that are related to this 2012 garbage.
One day, I got curious as to where all of these facts came from and I braved looking up a pro 2012 webstie. It was the work mistake of my life. I decided to read the "planet X" section, and I feel ashamed at my curiosity. The ENTIRE ARTICLE was based on a cover up….and there were atleast 100 names on their "I believe in 2012" petition. Not to mention that the administrator disclaimer said that the site will delete any post that tries to debate any articles.
I wish science would come back, and be the ruler of rumors…I really do :(. But really, props to you guys for making this website, people need to use science and realize that cold hard facts will rule all.
Hi Goalieman,
I'm pretty sure I know which website you are refering to, with the ' I believe' petition! I think that one is a particually dangerous pro 2012 doomsday forum as it will not allow scientific information that disproves the 2012 nonsence to be submitted, nor will it allow pretty much any opinion to be posted other than 'run to the hills, 2012 is coming!'. Out of all the 2012 sites I have seen that one seems to have the most hardcore believers who will turn upon a non believer in seconds! It is moderated by a man who seems intent on creating a haven of believers and will ban anyone who ruins that! He also believes Obama is the anti-christ and has no right to be president as he was born in Africa (!) but thats another story!
I atempted to go on that forum and pointed out ( in a very nice way, I believe!) that people should not present thories and ideas as fact and I asked people to seriously consider the implications of their words on young impressionable minds. Of course I was swiftly banned! I was so disturbed to see them so freely allowing such ridiculous hyped up scare stories to be presented in a way that would have scared the life out of me when I was younger. I am so concerned about the effect this is all going to have on younger people over the next 3 years, and I am very glad to see decent sites such as this one being set up.
The one good thing about visiting the 2012 doomsday site was that I managed to find one of the newer members (who was very scared) email address on the 'member list' and sent him some links to decent debunking sites! I just hope I can point more young people in the right direction before they fall into the hands of the scare mongerors. If 2012 results in an increase in suicides I just hope all the pro 2012 doomsday people realise they are to blame.
Hi May Bee;
Thank you for taking the time to post here! I am also very concerned about the effects that this 2012 nonsense is going to have on young minds over the next few years. I don't know a damn thing I can do about it either, other than spread the word that the whole thing is a hoax, made up in order to make a buck. I hope nobody commits suicide over this, but if they do, I hope the surviving relatives find those hoaxers with deep pockets (ahem, hello History Channel?) and sue the living daylights out of them.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Amen too all your words. History Channel should get a nice kick in the rear end for scarying little young ones. I'm just glad that my little brother hasn't watched it.
Hi Goalieman32;
Welcome, and "Thank You!" for the kind words. Spread the word, 2012 is a hoax.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I just want to say thanks for everyone who has put all their time and effort into this. I first came across this whole 2012 thing thanks to an advertisment for the History Channel's special. This was on new years eve when I saw it. Besides, I thought the HC was for history and not the future. :-) I know bad pun. So after a couple of days of research all I can where at least a 100 pro 2012 sites and 4 2012 hoax sites. So, I got all of the 2012hoax sites bookmarked to read when I get nervous about this stuff.
What kinda surprised me when people who are for this thing to happen really resort to childish behavoirs when they see someone debunking 2012.
So, once again thank you for this wonderfull site.
I deft. agree with everyone else that we should bring a law suit to everyone who made these claims.
Hi Matt;
Thanks for the kind words. All of the authors and contributors here have one goal; telling the truth about the 2012 hoax.
As far as the quantity; Yep. There's more of them than there are of us. We're waiting for a few more of them to join up so the fight will be fair. We figure when the ratio is about 10E9:1 then it will be a fair fight. Remember, Quality over Quantity.
Yes, they do pull some pretty obnoxious stunts when their sacred balloon is pricked. Astrogeek was deliberately targedted on Y|A and was TOSed due to bogus complaints about his answers. I've heard tales of Pro2012 sites that will kick you off if you dare to question *anything* about the story.
The problem with suing them is that the plaintiffs would have to prove damages, and connect the damages to the claims about 2012. So unless someone leaves a suicide note mentioning something directly (e.g., the Hysteria Channel's festival of doom they call "Armageddon Week") then it's going to be hard to show a causal link.
Seems to be a lot of talk about predictions from web bots on the 2012 crazy sites. From what I understand, web bots were created to crawl the web and make predictions about the financial market but some of the 2012 doomsday folk seem to be under the impression they can also predict (amongst other things) hurricanes, earthquakes and er…guess what….aliens death and destruction in 2012! Of course that is crazy, a web bot can not predict any kind of natrual disaster any more accurately than I could, but this is one more instance of people taking information and twisting it and interpreting it in any kind of way that will 'back up' the doomsday theories.
Just one more topic to be aware of when trying to talk sense to the pro 2012 groups!
May Bee; Yes, you are right.
One of the problems we have is that there are so many (and in some cases, conflicting) sources of misinformation on the 2012 doomsday hoax, that it is difficult to address them all. The web.bot 'prediction' is on our 'things to address' list, but it appears to be a lower level source (not as many people hear about it as they do about the 'mayan calendar' or 'nostradamus' etc.)
We will definitely be doing a page on it, but probably not until we get some of the other articles fleshed out.