You have missed the point here with this diversionary analysis.
You seem to have missed the point of this website. Our purpose is to define, study and analyze the arguments, not divert from them. You have not attempted to engage the arguments, but simply wave them away.
The crossing of the Galactic Eclitpic for the first time in25,625 years is what all of this excitement is about. You have not even mentioned it, so how can it be a hoax?
Actually, we have mentioned it, just not on this page. Please refer to the galactic alignment page and its sub-pages.
Furthermore, you are misusing the terms of astronomy. As Bikenbeer2000 said, there is no such thing as a 'galactic ecliptic'. That phrase is meaningless. You probably are referring to one of the various 'alignment' scenarios that are commonplace in the 2012-proponent literature. There is the "solstice alignment" claim, the "crossing the galactic plane" claim, the "aligning with the black hole" claim, etc.
To misuse or redefine the terms of astronomy for your own purpose does not serve your argument.
We will be entering the opposite magnetic hemisphere of our galaxy
The what?
… which should cause some pretty major upheavals on Earth
… and the Sun will be re-energized by the extreme magnetic centrifugance of the ecliptic plane,
There is no such thing as "magnetic centrifugance of the ecliptic plane". Now I see why we completely missed this topic… it's utter nonsense.
… relasing an enormous amount of Solar radiation as we receive an EM pulse "heart beat" from the galactic core, otherwise known as the Hunab K'u.
"otherwise known" by whom? To the Maya "Hunab K'u" was a minor deity.
The heart beat (EM core pulse) of the galaxy is once every 5,125 years.
If that is true, then we should be able to see a wave of 're-energized' stars in concentric circles from the galactic core every 5,125 light years. Perhaps I missed this finding. Would you care to show us where it can be found in the astronomical literature?
The Sun's circuit
The what?
… will overload and nobody knows just how severe the effect will be here on Earth.
I do. Zero.
There are so many unknowns, because there is no written history of the last time we passed through the galactic ecliptic.
Because it has never happened. We also don't have records of the last time the face of Bozo the Clown appeared on the moon.
This is why there is an enormous amount of fear and speculation.
The reason why there is an enormous amount of fear and speculation is because people like yourself have no problem spewing nonsense with all of the breathless "nobody knows what will happen" phrases scattered about.
For good reason.
No, not really. You have yet to demonstrate that you comprehend the basics of astronomy, let alone grasp the more esoteric topics. Yet you come here and present your ideas as if they are fact, and that everybody should know them.
This planet will undergo serious physical changes for sure.
The mechanism you describe does not, and can not, exist. Therefore I doubt that it will cause any serious physical changes on our planet.
It is going to be a bumby ride to say the least.
I imagine that people who seriously believe that something significant will happen on 12/21/2012 will have a difficult time explaining themselves on 12/22.
Also, according to the Maya this will begin the next round of 5 Suns on 12-21-2012
Oh my. More confusion between Maya and Aztec cosmology.
… and this will be the 1st Sun of the new 25,625 year cycle away from and returning to the galactic eclitpic.
Since this structure does not exist, I fail to see how we can "cycle away" and back.
See chapter 8 in my free online book at the website I have posted here. You will find a lot of dissenting information about 2012, which is absolutely unknown by the vast majority of researchers.
Do you mean the very strange page you can reach by clicking your name on your post? That is not an 'online book', it is a collection of links to some of the stranger and most esoteric branches of pseudo-science. Tesla, plasma universe, Vedic astronomy, energy vorticies, and free energy for all, all wrapped up in a rambling and paranoid rant about how all of these technologies are being hidden by "… the cia/nsa/dod spooks who hide or suppress them for the sake of corporate amerika and their addiction to aristocratic control, war, elitism, power, money, drugs, crime, cruelty, pedophilia and mind controlled, sex slaves. "
Namaste Amigos!
Yeah, whatever. You need some help.