I saw an object that astronomers call a mini-"Black-Hole", it collided with a wall several times just bouncing off each time and then flew into space. They are quite common in orbit around the Earth. They have been photographed from the space station. You can see them on NASA documentaries. They are rodioactive and it is not safe to get within 10 feet of them. The "Black Hole" in the center of the Galixy can't get out, the stars are holding it in.
You appear to be very, very confused.
Please do not simply assert. Back up your statements. Where can I read about how black holes are "quite common in orbit around the Earth." or that they have been photographed from the space station? Which NASA documentaries show them?
The galactic black hole is about 4 billion solar masses. It is more fair to say that the galaxy orbits around the black hole than that the stars are 'holding it in'.
It is the mini-"Black Holes" that I said are common. The one I was refering to was about 2 feet wide. The anouncer on the NASA vidio said that the objects they saw where much bigger. They did not call them "Black Holes," they fit the dicription of "Black Holes."
I don't think the "Black Holes" in the center of the galixies are going to brack lose and go brizerk. The Universe is in balance. Asteroids shift when a large object passes them but I think that the solar system is running out of large asteroids.
Everyone was so hyped up about the LHC creating a micro black whole and destroying life as we know it, and look what happened, the thing broke down.
Don't believe what everyone says.
I've read articles and seen on the History Channel that there could be moving black holes in the universe that could one day enter our Solar System and cause chaos.
I don't really believe it but.
A black hole is created when a large star (much bigger than our Sun) finally reaches the end of its life cycle and collapses in on itself and explodes, leaving behind a black hole.
The thing is, black holes aren't forever, because they gradually diminish away due to 'Hawkings Radiation"
I have also read that in about 2 billion years or so from now, the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy will collide and become one, but scientists think that when the two center Super-Massive black holes also have a run in with each other, it could imbalance the entire galaxy, causing many problems.
Probably the biggest problem facing a civilization in a colliding pair of galaxies would be increased radiation from the burst of star formation. Depending on whether or not they were in the wrong spot, they could find themselves and their planet sterilized.
The chances of that happening are actually fairly low though. The vast distances between stars is mind boggling. I do some mind-boggling of kids when I demonstrate solar system distances.
how could we get sucked in and crushedby a black hole the nearest on is 26000 lightyears away even if the did align the gravity would be so little that we will be unaffected by it
Well, actually the closest black hole is about 1,600 light years away. The big one in the center of the milky way is about 26,000 light years away.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
i didnt know that im only thirteen
Yeah, the closest black hole that we CAN see. Dear all.
I had seen this clip: natgeotv .com /dk/10- ways-to-end-the-world/videos (click on the clip to the right - about the black holes). It tells that there are mini black holes that we cant even see. And then a demonstration what will happen if we meet with a mini black hole like that?
Yeah, the closest black hole that we CAN see. Dear all.
I had seen this clip: natgeotv .com /dk/10- ways-to-end-the-world/videos (click on the clip to the right - about the black holes). It tells that there are mini black holes that we cant even see. And then a demonstration what will happen if we meet with a mini black hole like that?
You do realize you answered a thread frm 2010 right?
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them" - Dalai Lama
I had seen this clip: natgeotv .com /dk/10- ways-to-end-the-world/videos (click on the clip to the right - about the black holes). It tells that there are mini black holes that we cant even see. And then a demonstration what will happen if we meet with a mini black hole like that?
I went to that site and it looks as bad as Godlike Productions. It has every woo artist idea plastered all over it. From what I can find about mini black holes is that they are likely to evaporate by Hawking radiation in a time period directly related to their size. One theory is that some pass through the Earth daily.
One theory is that some pass through the Earth daily.
Well their event horizon is smaller than a Planck length.
It would fly through atoms because matter is just empty space.
And a black hole at a speed of 11 km/s would also escape Earth because it moves too fast to stay here.
Neil deGrasse Tyson (2012hoax has a page about him in Guest Views) said in his video on ForaTV that the perfect alignement between Earth, Sun and the black hole WILL happen, but, of course, nothing will happen.
So, you may review…
Another thing: what scientist are worried about the alignment in 2012? The India Daily technology Team (whatever it is) is trustable?
I would trust anything in India Daily. It's a haven of woo.
Perhaps you didn't watch long enough to see the part where he says that happens every year on the December solstice.
Oh, right. I forgot that part. Anyway, he said that a 'perfect' alignment will happen in the December solstice. The 'Black hole' page said that the alignment is impossible. The 'Solstice Alignment' page said that it can happen, but not perfectly.
Hello Tomy,
In one of his videos on Youtube, Neil de Grasse Tyson tells people not to take his word on what he says about 2012, adding something like, "If you go away from this talk telling people, 'There's nothing special about 2012 astronomically because Neil DeGrease Tyson says so', then I've failed as a scientist."
We at 2012Hoax hold the same view: don't take our word on things. That's why we give references you can check. Regarding the alignments claimed for 2012, we also have videos that will give you the background in astronomy needed to form your own opinions. We link to those videos on our Galactic Alignment page, but here are the links to their YouTube playlists:
Playlist, "Clearing Up Skies of 2012"
Playlist, "The 2012 Winter Solstice Sunrise as Seen from Izapa"
You may also be interested in the following:
Playlist, "Channeling 2012"
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=206988AC08F8980F .
If you would like to view higher-resolution versions of the diagrams shown in those videos, you can download the PowerPoints from which the videos were made. The links to the PowerPoints are given in this post:
http://www.2012hoax.org/forum/t-292899/powerpoints-of-2012-astronomy-videos#post-954628 .
Hope this helps.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
That's why we give references you can check.
No scientist owns the truth. Neither Einstein. Of course, the 2012 proponents doesn't owns too (they are rather farther from truth), but we can't say what are the consequences of a Pole Shift, a Galactic Alignment or even a asteroid collision (it can be less - or more - serious than we think), yet.
Anyway, i liked your videos. Thank you.
No scientist owns the truth.
Nobody said they do. However, the highly competitive lot we know as scientists, examining the same testable data and reaching similar conclusions, should be enough to make you at least pay attention.
we can't say what are the consequences of a Pole Shift
We can say with a fair deal of certainty, by looking at the fossil record, that magnetic reversals of the past have had no adverse effects on this planet's biology.
a Galactic Alignment
We know for a fact that the gravity exerted on our solar system by the galactic center is minuscule. Gravitational pull decreases with distance according to the Inverse Square Law. Not even the Moon (which has by far the greatest gravitational influence on Earth) can cause the calamities proposed by some doomsayers. Moreover, an "alignment" with the galactic center has been occurring every year since 1998 (possibly sooner, granting margin of error).
or even a asteroid collision
Any asteroid large enough to harm our planet will be spotted years to decades in advance. The next significant collision candidate is 99942 Apophis, which has a rough diameter of 0.27 km and might do regional damage, has been identified since 2004. By the time it makes its first close pass in 2029, it will have been under observation for 25 years. FYI, impact chances are currently 1 in 250,000 for April 2036, and will likely go down as calculations are refined.
As for calculating what will happen if an asteroid does, in fact, collide with our planet, we can apply a bit of chemistry and math to that as well.
Also, due to our ability to see these objects well in advance, we consequently have time to prepare.
The next significant collision candidate is 99942 Apophis
Some 2012 proponents claims for an Apophis 99942 collision in 2012/2013.
It's a hoax. And 1 chance in 250 000 is… nothing. And in 2035 NASA and other will already have rather tecnology to stop the asteroid. Maybe a bomb or just divert it.
We can say with a fair deal of certainty, by looking at the fossil record, that magnetic reversals of the past have had no adverse effects on this planet's biology.
But surely would bring bad consequences for the world today. There are cities, tecnology… a magnetic reversal can lead us back to stone age.
"a magnetic reversal can lead us back to stone age."
This is probably false. I can't imagine you assume that your computer relies on the magnetic field direction in order to work? Same goes with anything electronic. The reason sattelites and power grids may have trouble during solar max, is because of the increased amount of solar particles during a CME. Circuit boards are fragile components that rely on specific currents, if you mess with that current…it could fail. Although I have shocked a motherboard fairly bad before, and it booted right back up…luckily.
You won't experience a complete field reversal in your lifetime.
Actually that idea has been around for years. I remember reading it in a book called "Future Man" many years ago. This was a speculative anthropology evolutionary book on what humans would be in millions of years from now. The authors posited the idea of a magnetic pole change fouling up bees and animals as well as computers.
But surely would bring bad consequences for the world today.
There are cities, tecnology… a magnetic reversal can lead us back to stone age.
Why? That doesn't make any sense. Worst case, compasses point the other way and some navigation electronics have to be redone. And before you propose that planes will fall out of the sky or some similar claim, understand that these reversals (including the "rapid" reversals hypothesized by a minority of scientists and clung to by certain doomsayers) are not overnight events. The likelihood of any such occurrence resulting in catastrophe strikes me as extremely small.
Also, local electromagnetic fields (e.g. from computers, televisions and power lines) are many times stronger at any given surface location than the effect you will receive from Earth at the same location. These fields fluctuate constantly, sometimes wildly, yet nothing notably bad happens as a result.
When will that perfect alignment happen? A few million years in the future?
Surely not in 2012 since the sun is way of from a perfect alignment from the black hole itself.
And what does he mean with perfect alignment? The centre of the Sun aligned? The Bottom or the top?
The single event is a 70 year long period, not a single event.
Here is a screen shot of the 2012 'alignment', taken from a planetarium program: http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/1442/2012.jpg
The centre of the galaxy is the small circle with crosshairs at the bottom of the image. The Sun is actually quite a long way off.
You may be right about an exact alignment being millions of years away. It would require a tilting or rotation of the plane of the solar system with respect to the plane of the galaxy. This motion must be extremely slow. I've never even come across any estimate of its amount.
It's a long way from being 'perfect', but that's what they're making all the fuss about.
Of course, none of the cranks ever carry out this sort of simple investigation. They might just find that it contradicts their beliefs, and that would never do. Hearsay and Chinese whispers will suffice.
To the author:
Ref Gravity section. You take into account mass of the black hole, which indeed likely would not affect the gravitational pull of our sun and earth, but you miss the bigger picture. Most the mass of the Milky Way is within close proximity to the black hole. One must calculate for the gravity of so many stars as well.
Next, I believe that may have just enough of an effect to pull earth into that perfect alignment which is so impossible to you.
I am curious to know what it would take for YOU to convince your future-self of thousands of years that a major event will take place, if you were to figure that out?
Which brings me to the Mayan people. What would be constructed that could withstand time and be found centuries later? A nine-foot stone calendar more complex and precise than anything to date. How can the future be warned and convinced simultaneously? Plot every astrological phenomena including this galactic alignment when not a couple hundred years ago the earth was the center and flat. Really, if one lacks enough common sense to realize it's no made up bed time story, that Mayans were most serious, hard working people, you probably wouldn't think to account for the mass of the center of the galaxy and the repositioning effect it would have on our solar system.
Vincent R , show me your calculations.
I want to see how you calculate the stuff.
I want to know the force acting on the Sun, the force acting on Earth, the forcing acting on all other planets and explain to me how it will influence Earth and how it will influence the rest of the solar system including the sun. I want real facts and numbers I can back check, not fuzzy claims.
I can calculate it, and the numbers are clear, nothing happens.
I believe you are referencing the aztec calendar which has no relation to the long count the ancient mayan's used. As for its complexity, you are mistaken…its really not complex at all…unless of course you think that counting up is complex. If I wanted to warn someone thousands of years in the future, I wouldn't use stone…and I surely would make it as simple as possible…perhaps I would count down instead of up? The mayan's counted the days in all of their calendars, and only reference the 13th baktun once. I'll go ahead and let common sense do it's job from here on out.
I am not an astromer, but the black hole you refer to is many lightyears away. Not to mention the blackhole doesn't hold our galaxy together. If it did it would be ignoring Kepler's 3rd law. Funny enough though, stars around it obey the law perfectly. Further from the black hole, stars are not orbiting as slow as you would expect being so far away. Viola, dark mass.
If I wanted to warn someone thousands of years in the future, I wouldn't use stone…and I surely would make it as simple as possible…perhaps I would count down instead of up? The mayan's counted the days in all of their calendars, and only reference the 13th baktun once.
Great analysis.
Back, crunched some numbers:
SunMass = 1.98892*10^30 kg
SaggitariousMass = SunMass*4.1 * 10^6 kg = 8.15457*10^36 —> (our black hole)
MilkyWayMass = SunMass*7*10^11= 1.39224*10^42 —> (mass of your complete milkyway, not only the core)
Now we have this famous formula:
F = G (m1 m2)/r^2
Assume m2 = 1 kg mass so we know what the force will be on 1 kg on Earth.
- Then the Sun pulls on us with a force of = 0.00593158 N per kg Earth mass
- The Moon will pull on us with a force of = 0.0000331888 N per kg Earth mass (178 times weaker than the sun)
- The Evil black hole in the galaxy will pull with a force of = 0.000000000000872466 N per kg Earth mass (679,864,000,000 times weaker than the sun)
- The complete milkyway when it would be centred in a dot would pull with a force of = 0.0000000014895 N per kg Earth Mass (3,982,060 times weaker than the sun)
So you are claiming that something that massive as the complete milky way which has a pull 3,982,060 times weaker than the sun is having any effect on us? Our very own moon still have a 22280 .7 time more pull on us than the complete milky way!
You just ignored the inverse square law of gravity! 26,400 light-years is very far away compared to the 1 AU of the Sun
And the claim gets worse if you understand vectors.
The 0.0000000014895 N per kg Earth Mass of a complete milky way mass, would be equal at 26,400 ly or 26,400+1AU ly
So what does the physics textbooks tell you about what is the difference between 26,400 ly or 26,400+1AU ly?
This: 0.000,000,001,489,58 N - 0.000,000,001,489,58 N = 0 N difference = Nothing happening!
(it is not 0 it is actually 0.000,000,000,000,000,001,784,39 N difference which is 834,781,000 times smaller than the pulling force itself but this is nothing).
you probably wouldn't think to account for the mass of the center of the galaxy and the repositioning effect it would have on our solar system.
The solar system is orbiting the centre of the galaxy and is in equilibrium. A 'repositioning' would require a change in the magnitude or direction of the gravitational force acting on the solar system. The direction is changing only very slowly and since gravity is a property of mass, the magnitude would not change unless some mass disappears or new mass is conjured up from somewhere. Please explain how this might take place.
A nine-foot stone calendar more complex and precise than anything to date.
How is it more precise than anything to date? Please quantify.
Most the mass of the Milky Way is within close proximity to the black hole.
I'm sorry, but that is just simply wrong.
The total mass of the milky way is estimated to be at least 600 billion solar masses1. The mass of the visible stars is only 200 billion solar masses. The missing 400 billion solar masses, is 'dark matter'.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Next, I believe that may have just enough of an effect to pull earth into that perfect alignment which is so impossible to you.
Belief isn't good enough.
Hello Vernon R.,
You ended your post by observing that if we at 2012hoax weren't so lacking in common sense, we would
…think to account for the mass of the center of the galaxy and the repositioning effect it would have on our solar system.
Earlier in your post, you had said,
…I believe that [the mass of the center of the Galaxy] may have just enough of an effect to pull earth into that perfect alignment [with the Black Hole] which is so impossible to you.
I must have missed the evidence that justified changing your "believe it may" into a "would".
Your original statement (the one that said "may") conceded that a perfect alignment is indeed impossible, barring a gravitational effect that even you have doubts about.
Before you reply to this post, could you please watch the videos in the following YouTube playlist?
"Clearing Up Skies of 2012: An Explanation of the Astronomy"
I ask you to do this because you seem to not understand the geometry of alignments. Your statement about "the repositioning effect [the mass of the center of the galaxy] would have on our solar system" is the giveaway. If you watch the videos, you'll learn that the closest alignment possible between the Sun and the Black hole occurs a few days before the Winter Solstice of every year. No "repositioning of the solar system" ever occurs.
Please note, too, that people have believed that the Earth is round for a couple thousand years, rather than a couple hundred. For example, see this link:
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
I propose toe black hole page to change a bit.
First you compare the black hole to the sun and then sun to earth.
But I think you should both compare them to earth.
Also earth quakes, floods of other nasty stuff because of a gravity differential between the front side and the back side of Earth.
If Earth would orbit a massive planet very close by, then this would cause earth quakes and floods, but a black hole that far and the inverse square law makes this differential completely zero.
SaggitariousMass = SunMass*4.1 * 10^6 = 8.15457*10^36 kg
Where G = 6.67428*10^-11
F = G (m1 m2)/r^2
I chose m2 as 1 kg, so the F is the force of m1 acting on 1 kg of mass at r distance.
This helps us to make it easier to understand the force of that black hole/Moon/Sun relatively.
I am here extending the maths so people with less physics background can put the numbers in their calculator more easily to check the numbers themselves.
So for the Sun acting on Earth I get SunMass = 1.98892*10^30 kg
AU = 149,598,000,000 meters
F= G (1.98892*10^30 kg * 1 kg)/(1 AU)^2
= 6.67428*10^-11 (1.98892*10^30 kg * 1 kg)/(149,598,000,000 m)^2
= 0.00593158 Newton
So for the Black hole acting on Earth (and Sun) I get SaggitariousMass = SunMass*4.1 * 10^6 = 8.15457*10^36 kg
ly = 9.46073*10^15 meters
F= G (8.15457*10^36 kg * 1 kg)/(26,400 lj)^2
= 6.67428*10^-11 (1.98892*10^30 kg * 1 kg)/(2.49763*10^20 m)^2
= 0,00000000000000872466 Newton
The difference in force between the Sun and the black hole acting on Earth:
0.00593158 Newton/0,00000000000000872466 Newton
= 6.79864*10^11
= the Sun attracts Earth 679,864,000,000 times more than the black hole itself.
For the heck of it I even used assumed a black hole with the mass of the complete milky way just for fun.
MilkyWayMass = SunMass*7*10^11= 1.39224*10^42 kg
ly = 9.46073*10^15 meters
F= G (1.39224*10^42 * 1 kg)/(26,400 lj)^2
= 6.67428*10^-11 (1.39224*10^42 kg * 1 kg)/(2.49763*10^20 m)^2
= 0.00000000148958 Newton
The Sun attracts Earth 3,982,060 times more than the black hole with the mass of the milky way itself.
Also for the Moon I calculated 0.0000331888 N force acting on 1 Kg Earth mass which is still 22,280 times more than a black hole the massive as a black hole the size of the milky way. And so far the Moon does not cause massive tsunamies and Earth quakes.
Just an addition to get some sense of scale to show the absurdity of the black hole claims.
I wanted to know how far the black hole should be to have the same gravitational force on Earth as the Sun:
The calculations shows 2024.85 AU = 0.0320179 light-years!
It is 824,538 times this distance away in reality!
If the black hole had the mass of the complete Milky way it could be at 13.2297 light years away to have the same attracting force as the Sun.
It is 1995.51 times this distance away in reality!
black hole is not a planet, galaxy a balanced vortex will not cause black holes, I prefer to call whirlpool galaxy. logic such as whirlpool which sucked in one place and ends another location the lower the pressure, meaning that no media is not balanced in the universe. vacuum was not also a media creation as well. the advantage is that it represents one path between galaxies with other galaxies. cool in the film industry if the term is a shortcut to the speed of light. could be because the speed on the other incoming material to be smelted or lost because there is no incandescent. can so that's why seolah2 planet or the incoming mass will be lost.
black holes, which is described as a planet in my opinion it is true that the sun has not experienced bulb. could be after a collision with another mass explosion will occur, if in it there is a mass as fuel so the sun, otherwise it will just as the moon is hit by a meteor. dark. but does not absorb light material conditions of black on its surface. in it who knows?
black hole is not a planet, galaxy a balanced vortex will not cause black holes, I prefer to call whirlpool galaxy. logic such as whirlpool which sucked in one place and ends another location the lower the pressure, meaning that no media is not balanced in the universe. vacuum was not also a media creation as well. the advantage is that it represents one path between galaxies with other galaxies. cool in the film industry if the term is a shortcut to the speed of light. could be because the speed on the other incoming material to be smelted or lost because there is no incandescent. can so that's why seolah2 planet or the incoming mass will be lost.
black holes, which is described as a planet in my opinion it is true that the sun has not experienced bulb. could be after a collision with another mass explosion will occur, if in it there is a mass as fuel so the sun, otherwise it will just as the moon is hit by a meteor. dark. but does not absorb light material conditions of black on its surface. in it who knows?
Hello again Ricky,
Your posts are becoming more incoherent. Once again I will address what I think you are trying to say.
1) "black hole is not a planet"
True, and you are the first person who has associated the two as far as I know.
2) "galaxy a balanced vortex will not cause black holes"
No, massive stars collapsing cause black holes.
3) "I prefer to call whirlpool galaxy."
Call it whatever you like. If you mean our galaxy, the scientific community will continue to call it a spiral galaxy.
4) "logic such as whirlpool which sucked in one place and ends another location"
Uh, no. Black holes are nothing like whirlpools. Anything that is drawn "into" a black hole becomes part of the singularity. It doesn't go to another location. I think you may be confusing black holes with hypothetical wormholes.
5) The Sun is not like planets or moons. It is a star, basically a fusion reactor. It will never be anything like a planet or moon.
You completely lost me with the rest of your post. I can't make any sense of it.
I was doing some light editing of the pages on this website, when I cam across a section of this Black Hole page where it gave a very personal opinion that counter-acted everything else on the page. It said some nonsense about how scientists proved that the world would end by black holes etc… But it defeated the point of everything else on the website and instead of de-bunking it supported the 2012 hoax! Well that's my rant over ;)
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us - E. M. Forster
How can the world end by black holes?
The Sun can't become a black hole and we are nowhere near a black hole.
sometimes stuff like that gets past me.
Who made the change?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
oh I see…
That was a quote from the "India Daily" website, and was included as an example of the kinds of nonsense that is being spread.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Strictly speaking, were a black hole to get too close to the Earth it would be the end of things, the only problem for doomsday proponents is that there isn't one anywhere near by.
Like quite a few of the cosmic claims, were an asteroid to be large enough or were a gamma ray burst to be well aimed, it would be the end of things, but we only see diddy little asteroids and wildly inaccurate GRBs - and neither on a timescale for 2012.
That's the sneaky end of proponents - using grains of truth in order to hook people into their wild fantasies.
Astrogeek: I see what you mean about the quote but when I first saw it, it looked like it was a part of the page, not a quote. Also (I'm not having a go at anyone, and am just saying) there was no debunking of that statement to follow, and it would be easy to look past the real information and straight at this statement claiming it would definitely happen. Personally, I don't think it is needed on the page as it provides no actual information, and if somebody wanted to see it it would be there on the original article anyway ;)
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us - E. M. Forster
Well, my point here is that it was a quote, and now it's a misquote.
The original text should be restored, then we can figure out a way to make sure people know it is a bogus claim from a sensationalistic tabloid news site.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Note: Links are fine, but do not post entire articles on this forum.
Isn't slipping the shower worrisome?
There are billions of ways the Universe can kill you, why fear the ones that operate on timescales you can't even picture in your head, or at distances so vast light itself takes a few lifetimes to cover.
Note: Links are fine, but do not post entire articles on this forum.
TL:DR 0.o What is the trend with copy and pasting full articles?
“In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.” - Oscar Wilde
Utterly irrelevant ones at that, since the universe's accelerating expansion has nothing to do with black holes whatsoever.
I didn't even bother to read it as I figured it would get deleted by a mod. People need to learn to post links to articles instead of pasting articles in whole form. Especially this person, seeing as they have done it multiple times in this thread it appears.
“In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.” - Oscar Wilde
Isn't it worringsome that you could; step out on the road and get run over, slip in shower, fall down a bank, trip and knock your head on the corner of a table, be in a car acciedent, choke on something you are eating, get a killer disease, drown, die of old age,
but it doesn't stop you from walking to places, or driving (or being in the car), showering, eating, swimming and or just living… And none of these come from outside the sphere we call earth… The chances of any of these ever happpening to you are slim, but they are there…
The chances of anything coming from mars are million to 1… (//oh wait War of the Worls musica… sorry :-) //) The point is unless they have proof that it is actually going to happen in your lifetime… why worry.
I see stupid people…
oh…i was under the impression it could get her in less than half a second and blast us.
oh…i was under the impression it could get her in less than half a second and blast us.
And why would you be under that impression? None of the aforementioned off-topic articles said anything of the sort that I saw. Your alleged "impression" is merely a product of your imagination.