It's also important to note that Nostradamus, if you take him seriously, doesn't say much about 2012 that really makes his prophecies all that unique from his prophecies from 1900, or 1895, or 1762, etc. Conversely, his quatrains reach out to ~3790 AD. But sources like The History Channel rarely point to that as it isn't occurring in our time.
Hi Art;
You are absolutely correct. Those are points that will be added to this page as it moves toward completion.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Is it then your position that not even one of his predictions can be substantiated or even conjectured upon? Or are you only referring to the 2012 references? In other words, which quatrains DO hold merit in your interpretation?
This site is specific to 2012, and with regard to claims about Nostradamus and 2012 we take two approaches:
1) Our primary claim is that Nostradamus is silent on the subject of 2012. He never wrote anything about it. Claims that he did are interpretations of modern followers, all of which appear to have surfaced well after the rest of the 2012 hoopla started. In addition we show that specific claims regarding some quatrains are based on misquotes of those quatrains.
2) Even if Nostradamus had written on the subject of 2012, we would still disregard those writings as the work of a 16th century charlatan and con-man.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
That is correct. There is a small cottage industry about Nostradamus and fitting his predictions to whatever comes down the pike. In my Wizard School, he is respected as a wizard but not for predicting the future.
I think a lot of people mistake Nostradamus for Edgar Casey, whom they also use for doomsday predictions. If you want, I can see if Casey was involved with any 2012 stuff. His name gets bantered about a lot.
How many times already was the world suppose to end. We are still here! From what i read the world is going to end sometime but we will be long gone anywyas. So on Dec 21, 2012 go out to the movies and for drinks and take the kids to the park, go to work cause your gonna get up the next day and do it all over again.
Just thought I would point out that you're using the word 'apocalypse' in the wrong sense. An apocalypse is the end of the world AS YOU KNOW IT, not the end of the world physically. That would be Armageddon. You're making good points, and I'm glad this site exists, but for posterity keep trying to be accurate and objective. Thanks for your hard work. :)
what about the "lost book" of Nostradamus… does the book really mention a dtae of 2012??
did you researche or read the book because ive read somuch stuff now im just scared
From Wikipedia on The Lost Book of Nostradamus:
"There is, however, absolutely no contemporary evidence that Nostradamus himself was either a painter or the author of the work, whose contents in fact date from several centuries before his time."
The History Channel's attempts to interpret this book to connect it to 2012 were quite ridiculous. For example, a drawing of 3 crescents = 3 eclipses = 2012. A drawing of an 8-spoked wheel = 2 pairs of intersections, one of the galactic and celestial equators and one of the galactic equator and ecliptic = galactic alignment = doom. In the sky, these intersections don't even coincide anyway. Pure hokum.
I am not a 2012 lunatic, but I believe you should also rant on more than one of his predictions. I recall something about Nostradamus predicting Hitler as "Hister" and also Napolean somehow on the History Channel. Sorry if this request annoys you, but I just wanted to point out something I was concerned about.
Hi Mike,
We don't normally rant. We leave that to our detractors. As for the quatrain claimed by some to refer to Hitler, here it is in the original French, and with 2 different translations:
"Bêtes farouches de faim fleuves tranner;
Plus part du champ encore Hister sera,
En caige de fer le grand sera treisner,
Quand rien enfant de Germain observa. (II.24)
Cheetham's version:
Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers,
The greater part of the battle will be against Hitler.
He will cause great men to be dragged in a cage of iron,
When the son of Germany obeys no law.
Randi's version:
Beasts mad with hunger will swim across rivers,
Most of the army will be against the Lower Danube.
The great one shall be dragged in an iron cage
When the child brother will observe nothing.
Neither translation seems to make much sense, but at least Randi's recognizes that "Hister" refers to a geographical region, not a person. So does "Germania," by the way; it refers to an ancient region of Europe, north of the Danube and east of the Rhine. It may also refer to a part of the Roman Empire, corresponding to present-day northeastern France and part of Belgium and the Netherlands."
As you can see, Nostradamus writings can be interpreted to mean whatever the interpreter chooses (after the fact). Since Hister is the former name of the Danube River, it seems much more likely that he was talking about the River, not a person named Hitler (also, his real name was Schickelgruber).
Nostradomis is a false prophet and a fraud he can't predict anything but the 2012ers and Television would like you to believe that he has predicted some of these predictions that he has predicted. Not to mention the Nostradomis King of Terror prediction several times including at least 4 times in 1999 and nothing ever happens.
There have been to many prediction with in the last decade that have been wrong I've been doing a lot of research and your the only person that have calmed my Nerves,,,you have helped me get over my fear of death,and your right knowbody knows what's going to happen in2012 and I'm going to live my life thank you for helping me see that,but my question to you is how do I show my sisters you are not a wbesite set up by the government to keep everyone quit and prevent a worldwide panic,she also wants to know
how do I show my sisters you are not a wbesite set up by the government to keep everyone quit and prevent a worldwide panic,she also wants to know
What is your government? Because I don't think that my government is the same as yours.
And I no relationship whatsoever with the government.
But anyway, she does not have to believe blindly what is said on this site. All she has to do is think critically, take out a physics book and try to do some calculations to see for herself that it can not be true.
Yes which gov't are you talking about. If the U.S., the web address would have the .gov suffix, not the .org which is private. And it would reference a U.S. Department or Agency. Contrary to popular opinion the U.S. gov't doesn't have the manpower or staff or time or money to put up a phoney site. They only do what is mandated by the U.S. Congress. Show me the Act of Congress that states to avoid the worldwide panic of 2012…. There is none.
A .org suffix is not a gov't one.
Hi Myron,
We hear this fairly often and I can't PROVE to you that we aren't associated with the government. But I have to ask, what government would that be? Our members live in the US, Australia, England, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden (I think), etc. So, which government could control all of us?
Most of our original members started out answering questions on Yahoo Answers. We saw that this hoax was getting way out of hand and scaring kids to the point of considering suicide. We got together to fight this nonsense and let people know that the 2012 claims are simply impossible and have been invented by scientifically illiterate people, who are using it to make money. We didn't expect to get anything out of it, and we aren't getting anything but the satisfaction of knowing that we are helping people.
The head administrator started this site and is paying for it out of his own pocket. If the government is paying us, I sure wish they'd hurry up and come through with some money. Ultimately, it's really up to you whether you believe us or not
Hi Myron
I am from England and I can tell you that what I write is not under the control of the US government or any other government.
I was recently watching a programme on the BBC about the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. It involved some complicated mathematics, but one method employed was to say that instead of trying to prove that if A is true, then B must also be true, why not turn it around and declare A to be untrue and see if it follows that B is also untrue.
So why not assume that the government is trying to suppress information on this site and elsewhere about 2012. How would they go about it?
Suppose a rogue planet were really heading towards us, as the 2012 believers say. Somebody would see it! It's as simple as that. Amateur astronomers around the world have some very sophisticated equipment and are in constant communication with each other about possible discoveries of comets and asteroids. If any of them saw a suspected unknown planet, these lines of communication would be buzzing. No government would have a hope of controlling that.
What about a pole shift? We show that it defies the laws of physics. This deduction may be made by anyone with knowledge of physics or access to the relevant textbooks. Can the government change the laws of physics or destroy every physics textbook ever printed? It simply can't be done.
The 2012 proponents claim that some sort of planetary or galactic alignment will cause catastrophe. There is plenty of software which will show what the sky looks like on 21st December 2012 - no particular alignments. Have the government somehow doctored all this software to give false results? Then what are the gravitational consequences, should any alignment take place anyway? We're back to basic physics again. No consequences whatsoever.
It's possible to go through every claim in this way and disprove it. The relevant information is available to anyone. The ability to censor all this is way beyond the capability of any government. They can't even suppress embarrassing remarks made by senior politicians.
didnt Nostradamus make a prediction about the Popes and that Pope Benedict is the last one..does that mean anything and have anything to do with 2012?
That's the prophecy of St. Malachy, which you can read about here.
It's nothing to do with 2012, but the usual doomsday crowd have done their best to make a connection.
In theory there should be some lucky guess by him otherwise it would not be random.
i dont understand what u meen
He means that for any number of random guesses, we would expect the chances of one being "right" to go up as more guesses are made. However, the chances of that happening are pretty low, and would probably require many thousands of guesses. The thing about so-called prophecy is that it's nearly always vague, and proponents just wait for something they can fill in the blanks with. I don't know of any "specific" so-called prophecy that turned out to be unambiguously correct.