Urgh! Cannot stand this slimeball. Marshall 'Mastercard' as he is known is probably the top peddler of this 2012 Nibiru doomsday garbage, he's milking it for all it's worth. Just look at all the websites he has where he sells his shoddy Survival Guide books, CDs and 'learning kits' and the complete bullshit he writes and talks about. He's also one of these tossers that has the "if you don't believe us, you're not welcome here" attitudes. Don't try and join his message boards if wish to debate 2012 and Nibiru, he's not interested in debating, he'll ban you in an instant if you doubt it. You guys here best be careful writing articles on this jerkoff and using a picture of him, he gets peoples videos removed and channels suspended off YouTube if you so much as mention his name. It just makes me sick that lying scumbags like Masters will get away with all the fear mongering they're doing and the psychological damage he and his kind are causing to many people who are taken in by all this doomsday crap. And for what? It's not about informing or preparing people for 2012 because it's all lies and there's nothing to be informed or prepared about. It's about gathering followers and having power over people so they can part with their cash. And what do people like him need the cash for? If there was really a planet or star called Nibiru due to pass close to Earth sometime in 2012 that's going to kill billions of people and cause all this catastrophic damage he talks about, where's he going to spend the cash he's conned out of all these people? He's obviously expecting to survive it all. Is he going to use it to build his very own top of the range underground bunker to hide in? Is he going to use it to buy his way into some special doomsday vault? No, I'll tell you what he'll be spending it on, the same things all these other Bible thumping doomsday loonies spend YOUR money on. A little bit more bullshit for their websites, getting afew more books, CDs and DVDs out there before they disappear and take a nice holiday, sit in a bar next to some beach sipping a beer with a smug grin on their faces. They may come back at some point and admit they were wrong, unlikely in Marshall Masters case, but that wont get you your money back that you wasted on Survival Guides and home learning kits that you spent $100's on thinking it would get you through "the impending disaster". Don't part with your money people because at the end of the day people like Marshall Masters here is selling you lies and is just getting rich and fat off of it like the nasty mafia slug that he is!