So this site has had the same amount of energy people have put into making theories about 2012, put into debunking it.
Actually, it takes more time to obtain evidence and construct solid arguments, than to simply fabricate nonsense.
there's a massive shift in earth's evolutionary cycle.
Do you have any evidence to this effect? Do you have any evidence that the Maya knew anything about any "evolutionary cycle?"
that's obviously impossible to show
Emphasis mine. So you're just letting you imagination run. That's fine, but I should care … why?
the Maya calendars showed that changes were to happen and evolution would jump start or something new would evolve.
But you just admitted that you're just imagining this, so what exactly is your point?
They also seems to show a better knowledge of astrology and astronomy.
"Better" relative to what or who? Better than some other ancient civilizations, certainly. Better than the ancient Greeks? Better than the ancient Chinese? Better than modern astronomers? Nope.
From what I can take out of all knowledge I've gotten out of life, which isn't that much at all, is that there is something fantastic to happen in our lifetimes, I believe it to be a heightened consciousness
Yet you can offer no evidence whatsoever in support of this belief. Why should I care, and what does your belief have to do with the veracity of the information on this website?
This site is a good idea, but executed poorly.
That's your opinion, obviously. For all your disappointment, however, I'm now halfway into your post and you've yet to explain why with anything more than your imagination.
All debunkers seem to have the same agenda, DESTROY ANY AND ALL POSSIBLE TRUTH to whatever is being criticized. You all seems to loath these ideas just as evangelists hate "the gay gene" or any religion hates infedels or how scientology hates stupid people. Doesn't matter what your saying is truth or not because you put way too much bias in you opinions.
First, it's probably a mistake to use the term "debunkers" in such a general context. Second, exactly which portions(s) of this site would say are trying to "DESTROY ANY AND ALL POSSIBLE TRUTH to whatever is being criticized?" That's a pretty nasty claim — offensive, to be honest — so I'm only assuming you can point to something in support of it.
This site is worthless because it doesn't matter if world's going to end or not
On the contrary, it matters if people are claiming that the world will end, when there is no evidence that it will, but the claims are scaring people to varying points of hysteria, including suicide, anyway. The point isn't whether the world will end, but that there is no evidence in support of the 2012 claims addressed here. The handful of people I've seen helped by various users on this site, just in my short time posting here, make it anything but "worthless."
…what matters is what we do now with the knowledge we have.
It think that exposing falsehoods is a good application of that knowledge.
not about who's right and who's wrong about something thats probably not going to happen and if it does, then what?
The problem here is that the doomsayers are disrupting lives. You seem so adamant about everybody getting along. If that's an accurate perception, why is your rage directed here, instead of at the people who are actually causing harm by lying about 2012?
You'd have lives your life arguing and hating and at the end of the world you have nothing to show about it.
Here you make the terrible but not uncommon assumption that arguing, pointing out errors, debunking, etc. are synonymous or at least hopelessly entangled with "hate." That is simply not the case.
I'm going to go write some music people can dance to, play with my daughter and dogs, treat my friends to good times, cook some good food, and meet new people.
Unfortunately, there are people who find it harder and harder to do those things due to their concern about 2012 doomsday claims.