I mentioned it in the main comments section, but this site almost seems like some revisionist Andy Kaufman routine. He seems like he took every possible 2012 idea, ingested it, and barfed it onto a mural. Everything he writes is so hyperbolic and over-the-top that it sounds like I am being lectured to by Randy Marsh.
A scammer is someone who takes your money and doesn't deliver what they say they will.
With this in mind, I don't see how J. Michael Sayer is a scammer.
You may disagree with his information and you may dislike his writing style but when you purchase his product you get it.
That means he is not a scammer.
What is not being delivered is what he claims will happen. He is taking your money and feeding you a hoax.
Apparently we disagree on the definition of 'scam'.
The definition of a scam is to deprive by deceit. http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=scam
The wikipedia entry on 'Confidence Trick' has some additional information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confidence_trick
"J. Michael Sayer" likely doesn't exist, at least not under that name. The "2012 Official Countdown" site is a scam, because it seeks to sell a worthless book full of the usual erroneous information you can get online. It does this by playing on people's credulity and fears, and then offering the reassurances that the "report" can show you how to survive.
Oh, by the way, the website obviously shared the email address I used, despite the assurances that they "respect my privacy".
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Common sense; They don't have it.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
hey astrogeek, just in case, this 2012 countdown website has attached to this website without your permission..
sometimes when i log onto this website, i get a pop out of that website…
i dont know how that works, i just wanted to let you know.
Hi Bryan;
That's more likely to be something on your computer than anything attached to this site. You may have a bit of adware running in your browser there. Many of them are context sensitive, and will serve up pop-up ads based on the content of the page you are on.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
J. Michael Sayer and his 2012 web IS DEFINITELY A SCAM.
I signed up in February 2011, so he is still robbing people. I did get in and downloaded the info.
Here you go. The 3 PDF's this con-man is selling. Do me a favour and team up with me. DISTRIBUTE THESE FILES FOR FREE AND PUT A SIMILAR MESSAGE AS MINE IN FORUMS.
Official2012countdown is a FRAUD, J Michael Sayer is a THIEF (And so is clickbank, that still take the payments). There is no money back guarantee, as promised, even though I gave very good reasons for it. GET HIS FILES FOR FREE, FROM ME. Yes, I'm a curious idiot that paid the 49 dollars in February 2011, I read it all, he IS FULL OF IT. Even though he has a lot of interesting info, readily available(free) on the internet(copy & paste), his proof and conclusions are very poor to say the very least. I COPIED HIS PDF FILES AND DISTRIBUTE THEM FREELY. NO CHARGE, NO 49 DOLLARS, NOTHING. I will e-mail them to you at request. moc.liamtoh|oozoiciv#moc.liamtoh|oozoiciv
there are 3 pdf files; 2012FreeReport.pdf, 2012 Official Guide.pdf AND the equally useless 2012 Survival Guide.pdf HAVE THEM FOR FREE AT moc.liamtoh|oozoiciv#moc.liamtoh|oozoiciv
I don't know what but something is cooking. The possible tilting of earth's rotation(the sun coming up days too early in Norway, Greenland and Alaska…), the reversing of the earth poles, the extraordinary activity of the sun, the galactic alignment of 2012 http://2012wiki.com/index.php?…, which only happens every 25.800 years and which coincides with the end of the very exact Mayan calendar, the announced fall of the dollar and the chaos that will follow… MANY THINGS WORTH INVESTIGATING… but few answers are to be found on Official2012countdown by J Michael Sayer.
there are 3 pdf files; 2012FreeReport.pdf, 2012 Official Guide.pdf AND the equally useless 2012 Survival Guide.pdf HAVE THEM FOR FREE AT viciozoo at the htmail ending with dotcom.
Good for you! I think we should focus on what is important at this time of uncertainty. There are too many people eager to jump on a wave of profit and ride it to the determinate of others. We should not get carried away by all this talk of the end of the world. I know people who still have food stored up in their basements from the Y2K thing. Some of these people also gave up jobs and moved to locations where they can't find jobs now. People need to think about these things when they are following the advise of these so called experts. What is going to happen when and if life goes on as usual and you've spent your life savings trying to prepare for something that did not happen.
I have been watching the sky and tracking events, it doesn't take an expert to know that things appear to be changing and that some sort of transition is coming and I have my own beliefs about that. It could be a big event with minor implications to the Earth as a whole, man by himself does not truly know and the ancients who are long gone could have been mislead. Life is too short for all this stuff. Learn how you can survive a catastrophe and how you can help others survive a catastrophe and go to bed at night in peace knowing that you are equipped.
Live now! But live a life that you can be proud of. Live a good and suitable life according to what you believe, love one another, be kind to others and help others; this is what will save the world as we know it now and in what ever it shall become in the future.
I think J Michael Sayer may either:
1. be Simon Gray (secretsofmasons.com)
2. be somehow linked to that website &/or Simon Gray
You'll have to figure the rest out for yourself.
Well, that site has all of the same earmarks of a clickbank scam site. (note: clickbank is not a scam, they just happen to be used by a lot of scammers).
Check out http://www.2012hoax.org/2012mythorfact and http://www.2012hoax.org/projectenoch
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
James M. Sayer stated in one of his emails that Simon Gray is his collegue… so I agree with you Don.
it could be possible that he IS IN FACT Simon Gray…
As for his texts, I like the way he writes.
As for 2012 itself, somethings will happen. Not as horrifying as we fear, but changes indeed.
I only wish if James, or Simon, could be more explicit, but I have a feeling that not even he, as a high degree mason, can speak freely. Seems like he is torn between his wishes to tell the truth and his job… :/
However, I unsubscribed from his emailing list…
James Michael Sayer is a real person, he does not lie, but he also knows much, much more and won't tell anything…
near future evens will prove at least some of his words are right.
James Michael Sayer is a real person
I doubt if it's his real name. Did you know that there are several scam websites almost identical to his, where the names James Paul Wagner, Dennis F. Bartels and Christopher Jones are used? I suspect they're all pseudonyms and all the sites are run by the same person.
As for 2012 itself, somethings will happen.
What makes you think that? There's no evidence for anything unusual to happen.
I only wish if James, or Simon, could be more explicit, but I have a feeling that not even he, as a high degree mason, can speak freely. Seems like he is torn between his wishes to tell the truth and his job
He's a scammer. Don't fall for all this "I know something but can't speak freely" tosh. All he knows is how to make money from gullible people.
Read this article by Dr. Ian O'Neill: http://www.astroengine.com/?p=6404
it's a piramid.. makes yopu wonder right '8)
Look, whoever this guy is, all he is doing is trying to make a bit of money. There is another website called http://www.alientrend.com/ that brings up the exact same website. http://www.alientrend.com/ used to point to a website promoting how to lose weight and build a six-pack (I kid you not). There is a YouTube account called nwoagenda (http://www.youtube.com/user/nwoagenda) that promotes the http://www.alientrend.com/ website.
Look, it isn't a hoax or a scam. Well, no more than almost anything else is that is advertised. Any one with a moderate amount of common sense can do their own research and get the same information for free. Just like any one can make their own chips and burger at home. Some people just prefer to pay for the privilege.
So basically what you are trying to say here is that you support the existence of both aliens and the oncomming NWO, right? Please don't make the mistake to link concpiracy theories to anything that have anything to do with common sense. I you suggest that using your common sense means that you should interpret thing to fit your agenda, than we might be on the same page. Otherwise, I suggest you use the term common sense a bit more carefully. Or, here's an idea. Present any EVIDENCE of iether (a) aliens existence or (b) NWO being a reality. Any kind of evidence would do, as long as it isn't the offspring of a daft 14 year old on Youtube (and no, I didn't even bother to look at the links)….
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
i was actually on that site but didnt buy anything . i was honestly scared about 2012 when i luckily came upon this site by pure luck on a bing search. I looked up j micheal sayer on bing and the only thing that came up was his stupid book. so always trust the experts i guess
John Dale
Wiltshire, UK
please respond as quick as possible
I typed that name into google and it brought me to some Astrology websites like http://astrologysecrets4u.com/ .
“In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.” - Oscar Wilde
Off of http://www.2012officialcountdown.com/ which is what that other site was talking about.
"Discovering the massive “phantom” that's hiding right behind the sun. Is it Niburu? Planet X? Something else entirely? And how will this change your survival plan?"
Do they not understand that we revolve around the sun? How can something hide behind the sun?
“In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.” - Oscar Wilde
Correct me if I am wrong but haven't there already been discussion on this 50 dollar book?
"And when modern science digs into their ideas it makes some of the brightest minds on the planet say… “Hmmmm… you know, it could be…”
Plus, when you look into just how accurate our modern calendars are, the predictions are eerily more accurate then ever imagined."
"The way in which ancient and modern beliefs intersect on the topic of 2012. Yes… scientists and Shamen on the same side for a change… "
What scientists?
“In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.” - Oscar Wilde