they said he successfully forsaw and predicted the financial collapse of 2008
Who said that? Conveniently, I'll warrant nobody said that before 2008. That said, some economists warned for years of a possible housing bubble collapse.
well i did further searching and i saw that he said it would happen in november 2007 but it actually happened in january 2008 that proves he is a fraud doesnt it?
i also found out he made another prediction of the u.s dollar collapsing in november 2009 but when it didnt happen he said it would take another 2 months then he stretched it to 2 more months,now if it happens he will probably be like oh i was right even though his prediction failed the exact date he claimed
Geez..this guy gets really into his stuff.
You guys should add a section on Calleman's page discussing this :)
I'm really scared about this one, he says that money will lose its value, now we have protests all over the world, and we are near his "end date", coincidence?
Please help me as this is seriously depressing me.
Economic conditions don't effect celestial movements. Nor do protests. Any attempt to use these to bolster 'end date' claims are pure hogwash. It means he doesn't have a very convincing case and he's throwing extra garbage on top to snow you.
he says that money will lose its value
That's ridiculous.
now we have protests all over the world
Can you name a month in which there weren't protests somewhere or other?
and we are near his "end date", coincidence?
He doesn't have anything to back up his claims but a load of new-age mumbo-jumbo. Who on earth would take any notice of him? Seriously? I would be more inclined to take notice of what my friend's pet parrot says.
One more thing, what about his transformation he is talking about, does it make any sense? Is there even a possibility of such things happening?
Nope. Not in the way he predicts.
Maybe you should compare the changes they promised in 1999 about the year 2000.
Like world peace everywhere. Aliens would visit us and hover over big cities. Stuff like that. Did that happen?