Hello Amber,
Regarding Argüelles' claim that the Maya came from another planet:
I've lived in a Maya region of Chiapas, Mexico for nine years. Every day, I work and converse with people who look like they just stepped out of an ancient Maya mural, then changed into blue jeans. I've donated blood for some of them. Even though I'm a White Devil Honky Slave Master Northern European, all of the recipients prospered.
Argüelles would probably explain this by saying that the Maya Star Lords genetically engineered themselves to be able to accept transfusions from low-born sons of swineherds like me. In that case, I'd like to know why they didn't make themselves immune to the smallpox and plague that killed 90% of them in colonial times. When he's explained that, I'll ask why they didn't ensure they wouldn't get heart disease and diabetes from consuming Coca Cola and junk food.