About a year ago, I was hanging out with my friends and we always love watching the history channel. Let me start off by telling you I am currently 20 years old and I watched the Doomsday program, I was in tears by the end of it. I had never even heard of it before in my life and my friends boyfriend was like oh dont believe that crap its not true but i could not get it out of my head. It was haunting me!
I kid you not I have cried over this, I have been depressed about this, I still have feelings of nervousness about the whole subject. I actually am at the point of having nightmares about 2012! My nightmares ALWAYS ALWAYS consists of me being outside doing whatever and ill look up at the sky (Im a photographer and the sky is my favorite subject!!) and I would see the moon really really close or even multiple planets really close and i would know it was the end of the world. My two scariest dreams were i was on my friends front porch and I looked up and the moon was crashing towards the earth! I swear to you i woke up so scared it wasnt even funny! And the second dream was me being outside and i looked up and there was all the planets and they were so close and then they started crashing into the earth. My dreams felt so real I didnt even know what to do!
I have been so scared and not a day goes by where I dont think about it, no joke something always makes me think about it whether its something bad that happens in the world or whatever. I even told my friend that I want to buy a bottle of sleeping pills so that if something starts to happen I can take them and hopefully die before it gets me. This is the first time I have ever seen this site and I feel like 7 times better than I did before. I feel relieved almost and Im soooooooooooooo happy I came across it and took the time to read everything because I was at the point of almost having nervous breakdowns! I know I am still going to think about it I mean it will never leave my mind untill its 2014 but I feel a little better now! This site is a blessing for me! Thanks to the authors of it!!