Thank you for creating this site. I see at least i am not the only one who thinks this is a sick joke cooked up by new-age cultists, writers, and scam artists. I'm a nineteen year old college student now and back when i was in high school quite a number of my friends believed in 2012. one even thought it would cause humans to have superpowers! I think this has gone too far. Certain people are playing on peoples fears and insecurities about the future and what it will hold. I think the Mayan legends and calendar have been spun and perverted so it fits someones apocalypse theory. I mean its gotten to the point that even the "history" channel has produced TV shows and Hollywood is making films about it! when will the insanity be stopped? I have had an interest in astronomy and science since i was kid and i think astronomy and science have been hijacked by sensationalists and crackpots.
Hi Kristopher,
Thank you for your kind words. I agree with you. The whole reason for this site is to combat the 2012 hysteria and help those who are being fooled by scam artists into thinking they are going to die in 2012. Please tell the people you know who are being scared by the hoax about this site. As you can see, we aren't selling anything. We just want to get the truth out to as many as possible.
im telling everybody to visit this site
thank you
Thank you so much. Sony is downright evil!!! Thank you again for taking the time to create this site.
thanks for creating this site, once i heard about the 2012 movie it really freaked me out i got really scared but reading it from a professional point of view has really helped me understand that if it is a lie and a huge hoax then that person must be extremely horrible. I guess seeing things on wikipedia, that film, docummentries have made me believe that it might actually happen. nobody really knows because its the future but this website has reassured me. Thank you :)
Thank you so much for your website. I'll be honest, when I first heard rumors about 2012 it scared the crap out of me. No Christian or religious person should believe this bogus since should the apocalypse occur as described in Revelations it would be completely out of the blue. It's easy to repent once you know that Judgment Day is coming four years ahead of time isn't it? :) It's also contradictory to our knowledge of the infinite mercy of God. But if it wasn't for my religious education and understanding I'd probably be huddling in a corner and crying like the kids you described on your main page.
So it upset me when some of the con artists tried mixing God and the Final Judgment into this bunk during the History Channel special. Honestly I knew it was bogus once the History Channel started running all day marathons on the subject (a la Da Vinci Code) but the way they market and advertise these programs shows that they certainly know how to tap into human fear. (Either that or the Discovery Channel and local news totally missed the boat on the latest apocalyptic news.) They present this bunk as fact to line their pockets with book deals. Why haven't they done a special on debunking 2012? Oh right, because that's not as sensational.
*Sigh* History Channel, what happened to the good old days when I could watch you and learn about the ancient Egyptians and Romans and all that other awesome archaeological stuff I love so much. All they air now is science, pseudoscience, and downright garbage. Absolutely no real history. No real historians or archaeologists either, just random nutjobs that are overly fascinated the idea of the world exploding. Just you watch, after 2012 passes they'll start airing specials on how the ancient Egyptians predicted Nostradamus predicting 2012 to be a hoax. XD
Hi Katya. I'm so glad you know that it is all a hoax. I love your last paragraph. I used to really enjoy watching actual history. Now all they have are doomathons, Ice Road Truckers, and monsters. I hadn't thought of it until I read your last statement, but I'll bet that is exactly what they will do. One of the answerers (Elizabeth H) on Yahoo Answers makes the statement that "The prophecies of Nostradamus can be compared to shooting an arrow at a blank wall, then painting a bullseye around where it hit." She is absolutely right.
Actually the Maya said that the Egyptians predicted that Nostradamus would say that Edgar Cayce is full of it. :-D
That's very good, Hoax. You should write a book about it.
Yes thank you for creating this site.
I too was getting fed up with Yahoo! Answers constantly being filled with questions about it. (and equally getting tired of responding, even though I was determined to spread the truth!).
People are so gulible, and to combine the rumours with the 2012 film is disastrous.
Well done to you all
I have been drumming up ways to counter the 2012 hype. I've been researching and planning ways to combat via SEO. I'm so glad your site exists. We should raise money to place ads before the 2012 movies in venues around the country. Thanks again.
Hi John,
I like your idea, but I don't know if we could get far with it before the movie comes out. I believe it is starting a week from Friday (the 13th naturally). Also, we make a point of the fact that we don't ask for money on the site. The fact that we aren't soliciting adds to our credibility. We'll have to see what the administrator and the other members have to say about this. I'm thinking that it would need to be done in some way not directly associated with the site.
I also wanted to say thank you for this site. The whole thing is sickening, Sony are being unbelievably irresponsible, not everyone has faith in the fact that it's all lies. When I first heard about this I dismissed it, but the upcoming film made me do a little research (which I suppose was their aim all along) and the information given is just terrifying. I asked a question, just out of interest, on Yahoo!Answers, and I had people telling me I better start repenting for my sins, that terrible earthquakes and tsunamis will kill us all. It's petrifying! I read the information given on this site, and also information from NASA (here, for anyone still having doubts: ) and I couldn't believe I'd ever believed it in the first place. But there are still people out there who hold Google and Yahoo!Answers as their bible and will not believe otherwise. But congratulations to this site, at least there are still sane people around! :)
Thanks for your website it helped me so much. I would stress out on this 2012. Thank you so much for explaning it. That's true why would they have the olympics then. Their just out there to make money. God bless..
Thank you so much for creating this site. I actually feel like I am not alone and it's a great feeling. See the thing is, I am the only art student out of my group of friends who study science and so on and yet I am the ONLY one who does not believe in 2012. It is horrible to say but I am also the only one who is never taken in by rumors or hoaxes. I feel so much better now because FINALLY someone is talking rationally! If the world was going to end no one would bother planning ahead of 2013. I know people who believe that are not planning head of 2013 but I am sure am. In 2013 I plan to be living overseas, I just hope they find some common sense so they can write to me!! Things like this always play on the naive, depressed and insecure. It just sick and wrong!!! So thank you for making people realize that and showing that the internet, word of mouth or any form of communication can cause fear and it must be stopped!