Can swine flu be a potential threat or be a cause of 2012?? nostradamus predicted the outcome of pigs as well didnt he?? im kinda scared….i have the flue as well as family and friends and ugh its freaky
From what I found on the CDC site, the death rate from swine flu is less than 1%. The avian flu from a couple of years ago had a death rate of 70%. According to the CDC, over 11 million doeses of swine flu vaccine have been shipped as of 10/21. There really is no reason to believe that anything out of the ordinary is going to happen in 2012. There were no ancient prophecies. They were all invented by modern scam artists. There is absolutely nothing special about 2012.
Sorry, I missed the part about you having the flu. I know it can be miserable. I hope you get to feeling better quickly. Incidentally, I had the swine flu when it came around in the late sixties. I was miserable, but it didn't last very long. Don't be afraid. This flu is less dangerous than other flu epidemics we have had.
There is really no relation between the 2012 doom scare and the H1N1 flu strain. The reaction of the government is likely due to the possibility that this flu might mutate into something more harmful. It has been shown to be harsher on children with no flu antibodies in their systems, than on adults who have been previously exposed to many strains. You have to believe that it is suggestive that breast-feeding, which imparts antibodies from the mother to the child, would increase the child's resistance to the this strain.
Still, your best defense is don't get exposed. Too late in your case, so take care of yourself, allow yourself a chance to heal and if your condition starts to worsen, seek out a doctor. Monitor your temperature periodically and don't let yourself dehydrate.
SARS 2003, Avian Flu 2006, Swine Flu 2009.. within 2~5 years, possible (>80%) new virus as deadly as Avian flu (>50%) and as contagious as Swine flu..
so are u saying it will mutate?
2~5 years (3years average) is a period of building immunity of people. Once mass of people obtain immunity to swine flu, the virus will mutate to new one, which could be more deadly.
Artificial immunity (i.e., immunity shot) will facilitate this mutation process. In addition, the mutation of virus will be much easier as our heliosphere and earth magnetosphe get weaker (i.e., more cosmic ray coming into atmosphere). Like to human, radiation mutate virus DNA as well. CDC officially mentioned of possible merging swine flu and avian flu in the near future. You may also see recent new virus break at Ukraine that is more deadly than swine flu. Strengthen your energy body that builds your immunity. Do chi gong, tai chi, or yoga to enhance your Ki body or energy body. eat small, and try to eat food that can promote immunity (such as ginseng, Elderberry, Zinc, vitamine C, etc).
I'm sorry, but all of that is medical mumbo-jumbo to me.
Getting immunizations does not facilitate mutations.
The heliosphere is not (as far as we know) weakening, but we really don't know enough about it to say one way or the other.
The Magnetosphere *is* weakening, but at this point it is stronger than it has been for most of the earth's history. There is no correlation between magnetic reversals and extinction events or increased diversity (higher mutation rates).
As far as I know, nobody has been able to demonstrate that a "ki body" or "energy body" exists.
We consume so many "supplements" now, that our urine could be reprocessed to extract the excess vitamins and sold for a handsome profit. I'm not sure that anyone has tried that yet, or if they are that they would admit to it…
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
"nobody has been able to demonstrate" doesn't mean it's not true. Current human simply is not sensitive enough to feel energy body "yet". It's like new born baby doesn't know how to use hand. Once you get used to it, it's as evident as your hands are. Believe me. I have no reason to promote ki or energy body here. I have nothing to gain. Once you understand and feel your energy body, and then you'll know how much current science and technology are missing really important aspect of our reality.. Once you know it, you could see what so called 2012 phenomena could actually mean to humanity. it's all battle between know vs know-not.
I have to be the blunt one and step up and simply say this;
I'm not interested in theoretical mutations or mythical human senses that have only been recorded after an ancient getting stoned.
I'm interested in the facts and what we know *now*, theoretical mutations isn't going to help anything unless there's some sort of evidence to support the claim of a dangerous mutation.
While fact, viruses do mutate, none of the mutations have really threatened our civilization. The only viruses to threaten our existence have already come to pass, such as the black plague and many others that had rippled through our civilization in the past.
The H1N1 strain does (just like every other virus) have the potential to mutate but as it stands, it's less lethal than most other strands of viruses.
The reality is that a viral mutation does not have a set-date, it doesn't have an alarm clock and it surely doesn't act like a militia. The theoretical response that a viral mutation will react due to 2012 is like saying that my cat will turn into catzilla at the first strike of midnight.
It simply doesn't work that way.
If the H1N1 strain is going to mutate again it will be at a random time and most likely a random place.
Every strain of viral bacteria has the potential to mutate into something as deadly or deadlier than the black plague or anything else our species has ever seen. How ever just because it has the potential to, it doesn't mean that it will. Especially on a specific date.
Now— Where did I put my bag of M&M's? That's a true mystery. Hmm..
so are you saying the world could end of a virus in 2012? (im only 13 so this is confusing)
I'm saying that a viral mutation can happen at any time.
How ever, it's unlikely as there's no reason to believe that a mutation will happen anytime soon but as I've already stated, viruses are unpredictable.
A life-threatening mutation could occur tomorrow, 20 years from now or even a century from now. The simple fact is, mutations can not be predicted.
So.. In my personal opinion— There's absolutely nothing to worry about.
We have been having far worse epidemics throughout history. According to the CDC site, the death rate of Swine flu (H1N1) is less than 1%. The Avian flu from a few years ago had a 90 to 100% death rate. For Bubonic plague, it is about 50% and it didn't cause the end of the world back when there was no treatment for it. We have a vaccine for H1N1. Considering the fact that we have a vaccine for it, and the death rate is way below 1% for those who do catch it, I wouldn't be concerned about it ending the world or human life.
You're correct, Alene.
The mortality rate of the H1N1 strand is currently estimated to be 0.1% while the seasonal flu is estimated to be 0.12%
I read a great book about the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, the worst epidemic ever in terms of absolute (not comparative) numbers. You think 2012 is bad, hah! The rumors swirling around that disease were very weird.
A couple of decades later they developed antibody tests for it. It turned out that virtually everybody in the world caught it. But a substantial majority did NOT get sick.
I have a hypothesis that the poor people in Mexico that got hit so hard by this had a genetic predisposition to vulnerability to Swine Flu. What an unfortunate group. But apparently the rest of us have some kind of immunity.
I don't want to argue with someone who are very scientific already, but all I'm telling is that we better prepare ourselves for the mutated virus that can happen "anytime". Once happen, it can be very deadly. You may already know that Baxter did "mistake" to contaminate swine flue virus with Avian flu virus ( This kind of human "mistake" (intentional or not) can put additional factor to the cycle of mutation. How to prepare for unknown virus in the future? As I said, you have to strengthen your energy body to enhance your immunity. I know this may not sound very scientific, but as an engineering Ph.D myself had to admit this fact once I experienced it.
There's really no way to truly 'prepare' for a mutation that is strictly theoretical.
We can't develop a vaccine for a mutation that hasn't mutated.
If and when a deadly mutation occurs or one of the older and more deadly viruses surfaces, the most that we can do is attempt to contain the infected areas to produce vaccine's if we even catch it in time.
At the rate of ice melting, I would be much more worried about an ancient virus being released once again into the world, we still have no knowledge of the type of viruses that rippled through certain species during the age of the dinosaurs and earlier species.
My best advice for anyone is to simply live life to the fullest because there's really no way to prepare for something that we can't even predict.
We can strengthen our immune system to known viruses but once an unknown viral strain comes along, we will be caught off guard, as we always are. And again, the best that we can do is contain and find a cure or vaccine if there's one to be found.
ok about the swine flu is this page that contains all these videos truth?
the fact that Ron Paul actually contributes to this video scares me and like i once said keeps making me think government could be hiding this and much more from us…