I noticed that this site does not have anything about Supernova's being doomsday objects. I think that a supernova description should be added, as I have heard a lot about them in regard to "The end of the world"
Thank you.
Just a thought—
Unless anyone currently alive is going to live 4 and a half billion years to finally see our Sun go nova, I don't think it's cause for much worry. For us, anyway.
That was another one that The Hysteria channel showed. they had a top ten ways the world could end special. and one that was brought up was a gamma ray burst from a supernova. however i hear these are highly unlikely. The greater threat is us humans, not controlling our nuclear arsenal, not controlling global warming things like that. but we are making efforts to control those issues.
and another thing. I had some friends barking about this guy named William Cooper. I looked into it and he was a complete nut job. ex military barking about the aliens this and government that. somehow he got rolled up into this 2012 ignorance. They tried to show me this hour and a half video of him speaking to a crowd about conspiracy's and aliens. I watched it for ten minutes and smelled a rat.
is it just the history channel?