I cannot tell you how glad I am to see that someone has taken time to create this site.
It can be frustrating to repeat myself over and over again when trying to the sheer idiocy of this particular bit of nonsense.
Thank you again for all your work and be assured I will be referring people to your site whenever I can.
Hi Linda;
Thank you! We're happy to hear that you'll be using the site, and referring people to it. Where do you run into the 2012 nonsense most?
Thank you for spreading the word.
That means I have to admit that I go to yahoo answers. Its sometimes hard to differentiate between people who are just being trolls and those that are actually worried. Sadly, many people have never been taught to step back and take the time to evaluate a new idea with any type of rational thinking. I was having a really hard time not being rude with my answers and sometimes I was definitely sarcastic. At least now I can say "Don't worry…here is a place that can explain why none of this is true." I can tell you've done a lot of work to pull all this together and hopefully, people who are referred here will take the time to read the information and appreciate what you have provided.
There's no shame in going onto Yahoo! Answers. The only problem that site has is the 'community moderation' scheme which allows cheaters to set up multiple clone accounts and then harass people who disagree with them by reporting all of their answers as violations.
Not that I'm bitter or anything… :-D
Hi Linda,
Actually, many of us participate on Y!A. That is where I first heard about the claims about 2012. I started answering questions about it to try to defuse the fear being generated, especially among young people. I'm still at it. It's a good place to get the truth out, even though there are those who refuse to believe anything that contradicts the false doomsday claims.
Y!A is a good place to have a discussion… well, more of a barroom brawl than a discussion, but we try to keep it civil. The Astronomy & Space forum there will be very busy with the release of the new doomsday movie. Stop by and throw a pie!