Ervin Laszlo is a founder of Club of Budapest and former member of Club of Rome. Club of Rome spun off Club of Madris as well, where all the you-know-whos are member. Ervin recently established new movement called worldshift2012 (, claiming 2012 is a pivotal year whether we as a humanity can breakthrough to a new system or breakdown as a old system.
Maurice Strong, another high profile UN leader, openly mention about Venus transit on June/2012.
Kim Jung-Il, leader of North Korea, announced 2012 as a starting year for their reborn strong nation, meaning completion of their nuclear weapon program and ICBM program. At the same year, US troops in South Korea will transfer commanding right during war to Korean Army, and will start to retreat. At the same year 2012, there will be presidential election in USA, China, Russia, South Korea. In addition, Kim Jung-Il will transfer his power to his successor in the same year.
Now you may see how Y2012 is so important for humanity.
To me, at least— It just sounds like some more conspiracy mumbo jumbo.
Beyond that, I see the same political movements that humanity has seen throughout the years, nothing new or special.
The only thing new is that it's a new year.
Sadly, everyone points to current political movements and stances and then they speculate that they might be harmful to our civilization. I can only say this— It's not as special as everyone thinks.
If anyone would really take the time to peek into history, we've undergone many, many changes. Changes for our civilization and changes in our governments.
Everyone points to the current war in middle east— What about the first and second world war?
Everyone points to the United States as a tyrant— What about the Roman empire who literally dominated the world?
Everyone points to present-day terrorists— What about the people such as Attila the Hun and Vlad the Impaler?
Personally, I don't see much change and I don't see any reason at all to say that present-day is any better or worse than our history as a species, not as a tribe or a country but as a species.
Agreed, we just have better toys now. :D
Good response, Posh. As you indicated, far worse things have been occurring throughout our history. There is nothing to point to 2012 as any worse than any other year. We were in far more danger from the USSR for many years than we might be from North Korea.
Good point. I think many people don't realize, remember or are too blinded by the media fear mongering that we were at a higher state of tensions with the former USSR now Russian Federation from 1945-1991 than any of these smaller nations (Iran, North Korea). next people are being mislead so much by doomsayers on the internet and in the media that they don't realize the events such as world war I or world war II which even people back then were saying it was the end of the earth. our ancestors lived through those conflicts and sociopolitical changes.
People shouldn't be so shortsighted and blinded by doom and gloom spewers.