how can we protect our selfs from cosmic radiation if astronauts can we should be given resources and use them just in case of a earth magnetic pole switch. cub scouts always say be prepared i wanna be prepaired
Well, I'm not a chemist or anything of the sort but I assume that you could live in a astronaut suit.
How ever, if a flip in the magnetic pole's occur, chances are that we most likely wouldn't even notice unless of course we walk around with a compass glued to our hands.
Also, a flip in the magnetic pole's happen gradually rather than immediately, an immediate flip is a myth. Chances are you would be dead of old-age by the time the flip had actually finished so it wouldn't really matter either way.
Actually Posh,
His great great great great great and so on grandchildren will probably die of old age by
the time that happens. It will take hundreds of thousands of years to happen. I think the poles
shift an inch a year or so.
Your question gives me the impression that you wish to take a just in case approach. If I'm wrong please ignore the rest.
If you are taking a just in case approach, here's my advice to you.
1). Research what is and is not possible.
2). Research your local geology, the USGS is an excellent place to look.
3). Then make a decision based on what you've learned.
As an example
I spend a little more in groceries with longer shelf life.
I know Ohio's local geology is prune to flooding, sink holes, out of reach of being directly impacted by volcanic eruptions, and earthquake intensity are between a I-IV on the intensity scale depending on the bedrock composition. I forget the magnitude translation is from the intensity scale.
Um, astronauts already have cosmic radiation protection… they face it every time they get into the moon or in earth orbit. Out there in space, its cosmic radiation bath every day, every second. Its called "solar wind" and the only difference is, is that some days, they get a big extra helping (i.e. solar flare eruptions).
Its people on earth that should be concerned.
But lets look into the case regarding flipping magnetic poles. There was this research that (note i cannot recall) there was evidence in the past that the magnetic poles did flip, and the concern was, is that process most likely is "gradual" and there will be a time that there will no magnetic field i.e. in between the flip.
And… in the absence of a magnetic field… sun's radiation would pass through with just the ozone layer to protect us. The primary benefit of the earth's magnetic field, other than navigating ships, is that it deflects majority of the charged particles of the solar wind of the sun. Thats why we get nifty light shows in the sky called "aurora borealis" or northern lights.
What does this tell us? Well, pack up with lots of sun lotion coz these times we'll be experiencing a much nastier burn from the sun than before…
But… also take note that it is *GRADUAL*. Thus when its weakened enough that we start getting sun burns in like 2 min exposure, surely we would have done something. I can imagine stuff like "faraday fences" - installations with faraday cage design on sale on walmart for USD 129.95. Buy now and you get a ultimax solar panel 1000W roofing for just 89.95.
Also on the very unlikely event that it is "Instant" then we don't have to worry about it do we? Its like startrek, "Shields back up on 100% captain".
Our atmosphere and magnetic field have been protecting life on Earth quite nicely for hundreds of millions of years, thank you very much.
so would a magnetic flip do anything to our atmosphere
No, it wouldn't. It isn't an abrupt flip, it actually take a few thousand years to happen. It would have no effect on us or our atmosphere. It would be so slow that we wouldn't even be aware that it was happening.