How do i know you aint just saying all this becuase you know its what we all want to hear, im one of the SCARED ones and have often thaught about taking my life over the 2012 situation becuase i dont want to live through it and also see my family die and the people i love too, i really want to belive you but how do i know your not saying it becuase its what you want to belive and its what we want to hear!!!! ?????? katie xx
Hi Katie,
I am so sorry that you have been frightened by the doomsayers. Please don't even consider taking your life because a bunch of scam artists are telling lies to make money. Please do some reading on our site.
When you go to each of our pages, you will find references to our sources. It is good to question the veracity of information you find on the internet, but especially question what you find on the doomsday sites. You won't find any credible sources for their information.
As for saying what you want to hear, why would we do that if we were all going to die in 2012 anyway? We are trying to help all of you to learn the truth about this hoax so you won't ruin your lives and you will have a good future after 2012 has passed. There would be no point in our contributing our time to this effort if we really were facing doomsday. You may not have noticed that we aren't selling anything, have no advertising, and are not asking you to join anything or make any sort of contribution. So what would be our motivation for spending the enormous amount of time that we do to help you?
Hi Noemi,
Please don't let the doomsayers scare you. They are doing it all for profit and there isn't a scrap of scientific evidence to support any of their claims. Just ignore them and stick to your goals. You do have a future after 2012. Any time you get worried, just come back and read some more or talk with us.
yes me too i cant think about the future becuase all i see is doom and gloom, and i dont mean to offend you Alene, i think its great what your doing, but i think there will always be that concern and worry there becuase there is no evidence of it happening or not happening really so, its basically like waiting to be shot isnt it.
Hi Katie,
Please don't let it worry you like this. There is no evidence for their doomsday claims and science proves they can't be true. That's what we are trying to do, to show you the scientific facts that make their claims impossible. The doomsayers have no scientific background, which is why their don't even know that their scenarios are absurd. They just want to sell their books and doomsday merchandise. If we were all going to die, why would they need money?
I forgot to say that you didn't offend me. I understand that you have been terribly frightened by all this and I just wanted you to understand why we are doing this.
i am so greatful for you understanding me alot of people i talk to about this either dont want to know or just say dont be so stupid so i dont really get any answers but now i think i do, would you be able to send me the links off youtube please i read the little girls post and you mentioned some well known scientist on youtube talking about this ''so called event'' :D i would be very happy if you could thanks.
You bet. Here they are. I think you'll feel a lot better after watching these. Keep in mind that Neil Tyson gave that interview last February, before we knew that the movie was coming out this year. The first one is famous Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, head of the Hayden Planetarium. The second is Donald Yeomans of NASA/JPL. The third is NASA Senior Scientist David Morrison.
Thanks very much for those but this guy is really scarying me he seems to be providing some truth to the 2012 thing he is his link would you please tell me if it is true please !!!
thank you those vidoes are very good and reasurring they we amazing thanks very much for all your help all my love katie xx i still dont know what to think about that mn on youtube with the bible though :S
Sorry it took so long. His video was very long and it took a while to get my reply written. I'm glad you feel better. I hope my response to that silly video helps. Lots of love to you, and don't put your faith in some anonymous guy making silly rants on YouTube. If you need to talk some more, just let me know.
Hi Katie,
That guy is mixing so many foolish things that I hardly know where to start. He spent a lot of time trying to make a bunch of numbers say that 2012 is the end. You can take any group of numbers and jumble them around to make them say whatever you want them to. But Jesus said repeatedly that no man will know when the end is to come, not him, and not the angels, but only God would know. If you believe in the Bible and what Jesus said, that absolutely eliminates 2012 because everybody knows about 2012. So, if you believe the guy in that video, that would mean that Jesus lied.
He is taking the Mayan calendar, which isn't ending, just ending one cycle and beginning another; and mixing in numerology and religion. It is all a farce. Also, he doesn't know his science at all. He is just throwing scientific terms together into a mishmash that means nothing at all. The solar maximum is now expected to occur in mid 2013 and to be less energetic than usual. He has no basis whatever to claim that solar flares of gigantic magnitude will happen. He also then throws in the term EMP (electromagnetic pulse) which has nothing to do with his claims. He talks about a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse occurring in 2012. We have solar and lunar eclipses visible somewhere in the world every year. They have absolutely no effect on us. He claims that the poles will flip in 2012. That is not true. It takes thousands of years for a geomagnetic reversal to occur. It happens so gradually that the only way you would know it was happening would be to carry a compass around. Even then, you probably wouldn't detect a difference during your entire lifetime. My take on his entire video is that it is pure garbage. Read the page about solar flares again. I'll have to check to see if we have done eclipses. They are so harmless that I'm not even sure we covered them. Don't worry about this, he just said a lot of things that have no meaning. If you are ok for tonight, I am going to get some eclipse info for you tomorrow. If you still need to talk some more tonight let me know.
thanks for your responses Alene, i've noticed you guys respond quickly, but there is one thing that did in some way calmed me down a lil and is something my boyfriend mentioned to me about the hour differences, according to the 2012 it will be on dec 21 2012 at i believe 12am or something like it, but is true what my boyfriend said if that is to happend then other countries are going to impacted before us, i dont now if im explaining myself well enough but here is an example
so is dec. 21 here in the us but in china or other countries is already dec.22 so that would been those countries would be affected before us?
Yes, I know what you mean. December 21 in the US is December 22 west of the International Date Line. But, since nothing unusual is going to happen, it won't matter. I saw that you needed help, so I have stayed on to see what I can do.
Hi Noemi,
A man named Jose Arguelles, who has no qualifications in Mayanist studies or archaeology (his degree is in Art) decided that the end of this cycle of the Mayan Long Count Calendar was actually the end of the calendar. Then Nancy Lieder, who hears aliens in her head, needed a new date for her doomsday after it didn't happen on schedule in 2003. She latched onto Arguelles' mistaken "end" of the Mayan calendar for her new doomsday. Then all the other doomsayers jumped on the 2012 bandwagon.
wow, I've heard of many many people who are very devoted to their beliefs that have actually committed suicides, another thing they filled me up with is reptilians and how their also going to try to come and take over the world since some how our contract is terminating with them, i was told they lived with in the hearth, since the earth is hallow, and that their very technologically advance and that the government has been hiding all this from us. So i have been bombarded with those so call reptilians taking over and 2012, and the only prove they gave me to believe on those reptilian abductions is how the economy will soon be impacted and then dollar values will eventually loose their value. Then here comes the 2012 and then the movie the fourth kind, gosh is like idk what the hell to believe, then theirs one thing in my mind which is that if i dont believe ill regret it and if i do then ill feel stupid, so im kinda going crazy lol
That is what we are trying to keep from happening, people committing suicide because of all the crazy claims being made. There aren't any reptilians and the Earth isn't hollow. It is made up of four main layers. The crust (the part we live on is from 5 to 30 miles thick. Beneath it is the mantle which is molten rock about 1800 miles thick. Beneath that is the outer core of molten metal 1370 miles thick . The innermost layer is the inner core of solid metal 780 miles thick, and 6700 degrees F. The enormous pressure keeps the inner core solid. Here are a couple of links telling about the structure of the Earth. There is no place for any fictional reptilians to live.
I hope this helps. I'm about to fall asleep at the computer, so if you are ok for tonight, I think I'll go to bed. Just let me know if you have any more questions or if you just need to talk.
No i have no more question so u can go to bed lol sorry for keeping u up lol, and thank u for making me avoid being one of those people who fall into to those claims and believe is best to end my world before i see the whole world end after me = ) THANK U I LOVE THIS SITE lol and i thank my boyfriend for sending me this link as well otherwise i would keep leaving in fear….good night Alene
yes im sorry i had to go last night, but i also love this site to, you just make every thing seem so simple and logic so i thank you as i would have probably have been in the sucidal section too lol so i thank you so much Alene this site is amazin and i have already shown all my friends and family it,
and again i thank you xx
my facebook link is up there if any one wishes to add me on it :D
Hello, Katie.
I'm glad that our website was able to help and I'm also a little bit ticked that you felt that way because of the 2012tards.
On the subject about a "guy on youtube with a Bible"— If he's using the Bible of all things to get his point of an apocalypse across then he's most definitely trying much too hard to worsen this 2012 frenzy.
I'm going to be honest with you— I don't believe in the Bible, I believe some of the stories that are logical but nothing beyond that. How ever, I do know this; In the Bible it clearly states that no one will know when the end will come but that it will come like a thief in the night.
Rather than having the Bible as support, he's only contradicting himself more which opens more and more questions and more and more panicking people.
Sometimes these people give me headaches, quite literally. :D
If you have any further questions, feel free to come back and ask.
Ok thank you PoshNinja, for all your info and answers i feel a little bit more reasurred now i just wish alot more people would open there eyes too have u ever thaught about opening a page about this on facebook to get peoples attention there thats where most people are 24/7 all over the world ???
any way thanks for every thing.
katie :D
We have a facebook page and a twitter account too!
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind