I would just like to take a moment to say 'Thank You' for developing this web-site. Beneath the plethra of garbage swirling around the internet, media facets, and otherwise; finally there is some credible information found.
I will share with anybody out there reading this that I consider myself an 'educated' individual. I am currently a Senior in college, enrolled in a public University, planning to continue post graduate studies; and I had found myself -regularly, daily in fact- thinking about 2012 and pondering it's validity, allowing it to effect me in various aspects of life— especially my plans for the future. Although suicide is not something I would consider, I can see why some would.
The 'Doomsdayers' and 'those who stand to profit', are playing off the Western
-predominately Christian- belief of Apocalypse, and as this date nears the fears and hysteria's will grow unless we as the public take it upon ourselves to seek out the facts. As an individual who grew up watching the History Channel, taking their programming as reliable and based upon fact, I am disgusted by their current concentration concerning this topic. The loss of the HC's credibility is a loud wake up call to me that we as the public need to stop being so reliant upon the media and its manipulation of information, and mass distribution of mis-information, and take it upon ourselves to seek out truth.
As ridiculous as it may sound, after spending a good amount of time reading this site and following up on its sources I can say that I feel a large weight removed between my shoulders. People, free yourself from the mind forged paralysis of 2012, take each day as it comes, and live your life to its fullest potential!