EDIT 26 MARCH 2011: Updated links, and did general cleanup.
While doing research for a video, I ran across a reference here to a presentation called "Understanding 2012". That presentation was made by Jim Reed, who's Editor of the monthly newsletter of the Institute for Maya Studies (IMS). He's also on the Board of Directors of The Maya Conservancy, whose Secretary of the Board is the owner of Guatemala's Jades, S.A.
Both The Maya Conservancy and the Guatemalan jade interests are enthusiastic promoters of John Major Jenkins. But I hadn't known that the IMS is, too.
Here's some of what I found:
Classic 2012 scare-mongering from Reed, on a page with a half-hearted disclaimer from the IMS:
[The transition to 2012] is really already happening now and will continue to accelerate. Not only is there an increase of powerful earthquakes and changes in climate around the world, but mankind is also being shaken down to the core of our most treasured beliefs. It isn’t just the physical world, but also our mental, emotional and spiritual worlds will get a big “shaking up”. … Plus, scientists now know that 2012 will be the peak of a great solar cycle and we can expect to experience some major repercussions from increased solar activity. [Note: From the 17 Feb 2010 of the Newsletter. JS]
Glowing testimonials to John Major Jenkins, in a page without any disclaimer: [Page apparently no longer exists.]
Order John’s newest book, The 2012 Story, and you will find the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, from the man who Jim Reed believes is the “Godfather of 2012”!
Bogus "Galactic Alignment" astronomy (page has no disclaimer):
The alignment in 2012 is very important astronomically. It involves our sun aligning with the arc of the Milky Way at a crossroads (a Maya creation place) where it hasn’t been for +/-26,000 years.
And this curious statement, with no disclaimer:
But be forewarned, no matter if you celebrate the Maya Long Count Calendar end date at a Maya site or not, wherever you are on 12/21/2012, take along some strong UV sunglasses and use some strong sun-block. Future generations are depending on you!