Hi my name is Jim and i just wanted to share my story about my 2012 experience. But first i will give you some background knowledge about myself. At the age of 19 i was diagnosed with a having a moderate Anxiety disorder. I was always worrying about the craziest things that "might" happen to me or my family. I would run these scenarios over and over in my head until i would give myself a panic attack. It was hard for me to work or go to school without totally breaking down. So i went and saw a professional who put me on some medication to control my anxiety. So two years have passed and my meds were slowly being reduced. I was finally starting to get my life back. That is until i started hearing all of these things about 2012. It didn't bother me at first, I just thought it was a load of crap. That is until i watched a full day of discovery channel doomsday, then i became obsessed with the subject. I was spending hours on the computer looking up information on the myans and planet x. My world once again was beginning to crumble right before my eyes. I knew it was my anxiety taking over but i couldn't help but be fixated on the subject. I started having massive panic attacks about the world ending weekly.
I really wish people knew how much pain they are causing people who are suffering form Anxiety or other mental disorders. its hard to function when all u think about is the end of the world. So because of all this i have had to be put back on my medication. I just wish all of this would stop so i can get on with my life!
But I would really like to say thank you to this website for helping to make things a little better for me!
Hello, Jim.
I'm terribly sorry that this 2012 scam/hoax has upset your anxiety and has pushed you back in progress.
But on another note I would simply like to say; You're quite welcome and I'm glad that the website has managed to help, at least a little.
We're trying our best to help others like yourself, as you can tell we've heard from pretty much everyone. Parents, teens, even the occasional child ranging from fear due to anxiety to fear for their children or simply not the right knowledge to see this 2012 scam for what it is.
Of course, I'm not calling anyone gullible or dense— But I will admit that there are websites supporting the 2012 farce that at first glance, looks legitimate until you dig just beneath the surface and then it becomes just another poorly concocted website to make money from the hysteria.
trust me p-ninjas a smart cookie
And she has firsthand experience dealing with this bullstuff, so she knows very well what to do and say in these situations.
don't worry kid. I'm 12 years old and i was just as scared as you. There is evidence the world won't end.
1. Mayas never predicted any apocalyptic event since they NEVER clearly said it would be the end. I swear if right now u stepped foot in a Mayan village and asked about 2012, they wouldn't know wat ur talkin about.
2. The Bible clearly states( I'm Catholic and have been going to a Church since i was 6) that ONLY god knows when it will end.
3. If a plant/meteor/asteroid/comet was headed this way it would be able to be seen with the naked eye.
4. Nostradamus never specifcally said the date 2012, and that goes for I ching, mother shipton, and Hopi.
5. Thee have been over 100 predictions of the end.
6. We are so gullible, that NASA had to tell us the world would not end.
7.besides there are going to be earthquakes, floods, rain, snow, and everything in 2012 like there is EVERYyear!
I hope I helped! :D
sorry you're scared… nothing will happen. This doomsday thing is as old as humanity, it is part of our psyche. But that does not mean we have to take it seriously every time someone comes and holds up some random BS as 'proof'. Within 10 years, another a-hole will tell us the we will all die 2025 for some other random reason. The Mayans? Are you f***ing kidding me???