the web bot project kinda scared me because i heard it predicted 9/11 and the dick cheney hunting accisent who could predict that? i would like to know wat the web bot project is?
we have a very basic skeleton of a page at, but I recommend looking here instead:
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
My television predicted that I would stub my pinkie-toe on a chair in my kitchen.
Guess what happened—
I'm a little wary about the idea of technology (an unnatural product) predicting natural events.
While it remains true, the matrix (no not the movie) is complex and while we built it, we still haven't unlocked all of it.
How ever, simply because our own creation is a bit of a mystery to us doesn't mean that it has the mythical power of prediction and prophecy.
Also on a side note; When it comes to computers, people tend to see what they want to see and not what is really there.
oh and sorry about your pinky toe
PoshNinja said:
Also on a side note; When it comes to computers, people tend to see what they want to see and not what is really there.
That is true generally, and not restricted to computers. This is a natural human tendency called the "confirmation bias". Someone forms an idea, and filters the facts against the idea, rather than revising the idea based on the facts.
Example: "Americans spend a lot of time at the Beach"
Fact: A large percentage of people that I ask spend a lot of time at the beach.
Selection Bias: I live in California near the coast, and asked people in my local community. My sample is biased due to the way I conducted the survey, and the results are not generally applicable to "Americans" as a whole.
Confirmation Bias: I accept the results of my biased survey because they coincide with my hypothesis. I fail to dig deeper because I have a result that I like.
Examples of this kind of thing abound. Confirmation bias is one of the basic fallacies behind a lot of societal problems like racism, sexism, ageism, etc. A prejudicial opinion is formed, and our built-in filter allows us to see instances that confirm our opinion, but gloss over the instances that contradict it.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Its alwasy easy to say they predicted something after it happen. Have you notice all prediction are so vage when it happen we say oh look it was predicte.
I have seen this on a website that webot predicted at the end of october 2009 the market would be at zero and USA dollar would be nil hummm did it happen no..Did the dollar go down yes its been goign up and down for years…..
Webbot is full of crap…