Wow, Erik, you need to calm down.
We're not in danger of an asteroid strike, at least not right now.
Gamma ray burst? Well, if you're going to lose sleep over something that unlikely in the first place, there probably isn't anything I can type that will help you.
Solar flares that our magnetic field and atmosphere won't be able to handle? What? Who told you that nonsense?
Rogue black holes? Seriously? Where?
Supernovae? Again, where? Which star do you think is going to explode as a supernova and pose even the remotest threat to life on Earth?
Aliens? Seriously? Are you also afraid of orcs?
Supervolcanoes are just a fact of life. Two have erupted during the time of man, both before humans had the technology and medicine that we have today, but we're still here.
Crustal displacement is a myth.
Nuclear war — between who, and why?
Nanotechnology — why is that something to be afraid of? Are you also afraid of vaccines and AI?
Are we in trouble?
In terms of an imminent global cataclysm, no.
There are SO many disasters that can happen AT ANY TIME!
And you're just realizing this now? Really, man, that's not news. You could be hit by a bus tomorrow. Actually, I suspect that you being hit by a bus driven by Robin Williams, while Ashton Kutcher and Halle Berry car-surf on the roof, is many times more likely than any of the "disasters" you've mentioned.
Is any of these disasters about to happen during our lifetimes?
See above.
I'm very concerned.
Harold Camping
He's a discredited religious zealot and an idiot.
1 in 250,000 chance in 2036, likely to decrease further as calculation refinements are made. Not large enough to do more than regional damage in the extremely unlikely event of an impact, and plenty of warning will be available. We're talking about it now, for godsake.
What about them?
2058, 2012, 2014, 2011, 2029, 2036!!! So many dates and predictions and events…
Yes, so many.
And the Oort Cloud, full with asteroids, ready to attack us!!
Don't be ridiculous. Pardon me for saying so, but your posts are hard to take seriously, even though I've replied under the working assumption that they are, in fact, serious.