I was wondering I would be more than happy to sign that petition to those a-holes to not air that documentary about 2012 and I was wondering if there would be another way that I can sign it because I don't feel comfortable giving away my personal information?
Thanks again for this site support
I would support you but Petition dont do much……the only thing what ppl should to is send Hchannel letter and maybe take it off you cable or satellite package ..If many ppo would to this thay would change there programming as there rating is going down or even if ppl just dont watch the darn show…… I know i seen it i was intriged to watch but turn the channel as i was anoyed on the commercail say welcome to the doomsday report…..so i changed channel…..Ppl who want to see this change you have to do your part and not watch it….Tv channel network work on rating …..Higher the rating are more show like doomday will play …..
I do remeber discovery channel had the stupid shows and for some reason they switch it.
do u talk like that winters or do you only type that way?
Are you making fun of me Tyler ……that is not something you should do as i may not be a perfect english writer..If you dont understand what i write im sorry ……..But dont you dear mock me…
no it was a legitamite question (should've typed no offence)
I will answer your question i dont talk that way. I speek enlgish very well but im still a French Canadian who is mix with english and french so i write like crap ………Sorry for the post i was just probably having a bad day. I am no offended, mayby that day i was but that is over now……
oh thats ok sorry if my post offended you