I realize that many (maybe all) of you may not embrace any faith in a Divine being. For me, faith and science coexist quite well and Divine intervention explains the origin of matter, energy and life.
Regardless of your religious beliefs, thank you for providing good, hard, logical (and witty) counterpoints to what the History Channel and others have been putting out. Hey, I hope to get to Heaven, but I'm not looking to do so prematurely, or in some horrifyingly cataclysmic way, and I certainly pray for a long and happy life for my 3 year old son.
I didn't think the "science" looked right, and was unsupported, and the 2012 arguments were conflicting, sketchy, dubious and convoluted, so I set about to take apart the arguments for myself. I don't believe in metaphysical, new age mumbo-jumbo, and I had already settled the Mayan calendar thing to my satisfaction. I started dissecting the "scientific" arguments when I ran across this site. I was quite happy to see others had already done the work, and far better than I would have been able to do!
God bless you (and I mean that most sincerely) for helping kids and adults who have been suffering over this nonsense.