Heres a question to all the people on this site that say 'we' have nothing to fear from whatever the future holds.
Does anyone here think that there is a real danger to the lifestyles we have in developed countries being hugely changed by a economic collapse or fuel shortages because of Peak Oil, water shortages becuase of pollution and deforestation, food shortages because if its dependence on cheap oil and fertilizers etc and the break down of civil authority, I am thinking of the grossly indebted California state as only one example, I mean they have had to issue IOU's, sack heaps of essential workers thereby putting people at risk.
I read a story the other day about another state that required people to pay a yearly fee to have the fire department come out and put a fire out. many people now have had their houses burn down while the firefighters watch on and tell them with a better than thou tone 'well you should of paid your fees' same same for ambulances and even police now. What about all the people who's 99 weeks of government help are up or the 1 in 5 Americans now reliant upon Government subsidies to get enough food to eat.
And it will only get worse, only a fool would even consider saving a debt riddled economy with more and more debt. I am really scared that what happened in New Orleans and the L.A riots is a picture of what will happen across the country once China decides to dump their USD that are becoming more worthless day by day. This is happening to most western nations let alone the developing world.
Shouldn't this mean that we should be encouraging people who come to this site to not get caught up in the 2012 stuff but look at what can happen when the economy fails and plan intelligently?