1. No. The following is from The Straight Dope: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/963/is-the-earth-about-to-enter-the-photon-belt-causing-the-end-of-life-as-we-know-it
(1) No photon belt or other such region of increased energy has been discovered. Photons in any case are merely particles of electromagnetic energy, which we commonly experience as light. Upon exposure to excess photons the most common transformation of your being is sunburn.
(2) There's no "anomaly" near the Pleiades star cluster. The Pleiades are surrounded by a nebula, or gas cloud. This cloud is composed not of photons but of dust and hydrogen gas.
(3) The earth isn't heading toward the Pleiades but away from them. In the 1850s it was conjectured that the earth orbited the Pleiades, but this has long since been discredited.
(1) No photon belt or other such region of increased energy has been discovered. Photons in any case are merely particles of electromagnetic energy, which we commonly experience as light. Upon exposure to excess photons the most common transformation of your being is sunburn.
(2) There's no "anomaly" near the Pleiades star cluster. The Pleiades are surrounded by a nebula, or gas cloud. This cloud is composed not of photons but of dust and hydrogen gas.
(3) The earth isn't heading toward the Pleiades but away from them. In the 1850s it was conjectured that the earth orbited the Pleiades, but this has long since been discredited.
"(1) No photon belt or
other such region of increased energy has been discovered. Photons in any case are merely particles of electromagnetic energy, which we commonly experience as light. Upon exposure to excess photons the most common transformation of your being is sunburn.
(2) There's no "anomaly" near the Pleiades star cluster. The Pleiades are surrounded by a nebula, or gas cloud. This cloud is composed not of photons but of dust and hydrogen gas.
(3) The earth isn't heading toward the Pleiades but away from them. In the 1850s it was conjectured that the earth orbited the Pleiades, but this has long since been discredited."
2. The Pleiades cluster is 440 light years away. That means that even if we WERE moving toward the Pleiades and even if we COULD and DID travel at the speed of light (we're not and we can't), we couldn't get there for 440 years. I don't know about you, but I'm sure I won't be alive in 440 years.
3. There are no effects, see above.
4. People are claiming this in order to frighten you into buying their books and assorted "survival" junk.
5. We can't be 100.00% certain that the "prophecy of the popes" has failed, but we do know that its provenance is questionable and, when it first appeared, it only included the popes up until that time. That should raise your BS flag.
6. This is the first of I have heard of "dangerous magnetic monopoles" in connection with the LHC. It sounds like more BS, but I will see what I can find and otherwise, leave it up to our physicists to refute that.
7. No one can tell you the odds of WW3 happening in the next 5 years, but they would be pretty low. I can tell you that it was far more likely during the Cold War when we were facing the USSR, with both of us having enough nuclear weapons to obliterate one another. Iran is nowhere near that capability.