1. If Nibiru where real would we see if it where comming here in 2012?
2. Alot of websites is saying that 2012 is real and they don't sell things or use's klick bank, they get no money of it, they all can't be lying?
3. On the ''www.dailycommonsense.com'' forum there is a guy saying that the universe will end in 2012, and some other guy linking to some website showing a video from history channel, are they lying to?
4. I watched a show called ''2012'' on ''National Geographic Channel'' and they said that the Mayans did predicted the end in 2012.
5. If some of all the 2012 claims would be true sould we see some evidence for it by now?
6. A boy in my class is saying that the earth is about to change it's orbit so it will de natural disasters on earth is that ture?
Ahhh!! Please help me, I took alot of my time to write down all these questions and these are the one's who keep me up on night.