Solar Maximum and solar storms have been happening through out the entire duration of earth's existence. We're talking 4,000,000,000 years. Thats about 363,636,363 solar maximums that have taken place, and many more solar flares/CME's then that. Why would this one be any different?
Based on the very slow start for the current solar cycle, there are expectations that the next solar maximum will occur in 2013 and be unusually weak. But only three years ago scientists were predicting a strong activity peak for this cycle. The Sun is always capable of surprising us, as it did with the recent 3-year lull in activity. Even more uncertain than the timing is the issue of possible damage to electronics from solar outbursts (especially on satellites in Earth orbit.) Such damage is possible but unlikely. Engineers have gotten pretty good at designing fault-protection systems in satellites. In the worst case the satellite might be turned off for a few hours to protect its electronics. Such specific outbursts (solar flares or coronal mass ejections) are not predictable. However, I don’t think we should expect any worse effects than we had in the solar maxima of 1990 and 2001. If you and your cell phone survived 2001, you should not be concerned about 2012-13. And let me add what I hope is obvious, that this has nothing to do with the crazy doomsday predictions for 2012 that continue frighten people on the Internet. -David Morrison NAI Senior Scientist March 4, 2010
As to the danger of large solar outbursts, the threat would be real enough for astronauts in deep space, and it is also possible to damage the electronics of satellites. But we don’t have any astronauts beyond low Earth orbit, and most satellites are now protected against solar outbursts. There remains a small chance of bringing down electrical grids, but we have taken steps to minimize this risk so that damage to one system does not spread to others. But in any case, no solar storm can cause harm to life on Earth! -David Morrison NAI Senior Scientist December 3, 2009
Here is what Nasa actually says about solar storms.