Hi. I am not sure where else to go. I found your site while searching the internet and I am glad that there is a place where I can vent about my fathers obssession. My dad became interested in the "2012 Phenomenon" about two years ago after he read the novel The TwelfthPlanet. He began talking with a friend, actually the man that lent him the book, and as the years have gone by has become increasingly obsessed. Personally, after hearing what this 'friend' told my father I laughed because it sounded completely insane-bt my father actually bought it. Now he is filling our basement with "survial" gear. He has bought all sorts of ridiculous junk- and unfortunately the movie 2012 just made matters worse. He talks about it all the time, its almost creepy. I am sort of scared that my father is going to do something radical.. He is literally frightened, paranoid and seemily determined to live through the supposed 'end of the world.' I doubt that my father would ever do anything to hurt my family, but at the same time I do not forsee being home on dec 21st.. and If i have my way my sister and my mother will be as far away from our house as possible.. just in case.
I am sorry if this sounds crazy, but I really am frightened for my fathers mental well being. What can I do to help someone that will not listen to reason, that has an answer for every rebuttal, and has a friend that is feeding the obsession?
I hope you have some advice. Thanks.