I was recently reading an article on one of the gossip sites and the guy from the Smashing Pumpkins(Billy?) was saying that he thinks there is going to be a cataclysm in 2012. There are also other websites on 2012 that shows celebrity followers. Why do they promote this tuff if there is nothing to it? Won't it be bad publicity if nothing happens?
There was only one 2012 website that had celebrity followers on it, and among them were Woody Harrelson, who never really said he believed in anything. What they had quoted him saying was mostly about environmental/climate/political things. Mel Gibson's word were taken while promoting his movie "Apocolyptco" (hence $), Jack Van Impe, who's kind of a loon anyway, a former baseball star who wrote a book about 2012 (more $$) , Montel Williams (no career anymore and believes Sylvia Brown is psychic), two recording stars (more $$…see a theme here?). They will feel pretty silly in 2013. It seems that the celebrities use the controversary to keep people interested.
Well this is the part that you have to understand NOT BELIEVE all you that you read Speacily gosip crap…..
2012 believers occasionally use "celebrity endorsements" like the ones you've described to support their ideas. It is a logical fallacy known as argumentum ad verecundiam, or appeal to authority. It occurs when someone tries to support a proposition by citing someone who agrees with them, even though said person may have no expertise in the subject at hand. Do Billy Corrigan, Jack Van Impe, or Mel Gibson have the scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to realize that the various 2012 doomsday scenarios are not even remotely feasible? My guess is probably not.
Related to argumentum ad verecundiam is another fallacy commonly used by 2012 proponents, argumentum ad populem, or appeal to the people, which is trying to support a proposition by showing the public agrees with you. With 2012 believers, it goes something like this: "A lot of people believe a cataclysm will happen in 2012, therefore it must be true."
Don't let the 2012'ers pull the wool over your eyes with ridiculous arguments. Laura and Lika, my advice is simply this: Educate yourself about logical fallacies like the ones I've described, and you'll be able to recognize their faulty arguments and reasoning. I think Astrogeek has a section on this site about fallacies, but I can't find it to save my life.
this is a smart observation Laura,it will probably be very bad publicity if nothing happens,..that's why we have to think about another motive than making money,as I always read when someone wants to criticize the predictions of 2012,..I believe that they really believe in it,..in spite of all the unscientific details that this prediction holds,no one can deny that there are serious threats to human civilization,..I studied the subject for 18,few months ago I made a blog to publish the results of my studies,please have a look:
I hope that this comment will find its way to be approved on this site.
this is a smart observation Laura,it will probably be very bad publicity if nothing happens,..that's why we have to think about another motive than making money,as I always read when someone wants to criticize the predictions of 2012,..I believe that they really believe in it,..in spite of all the unscientific details that this prediction holds,no one can deny that there are serious threats to human civilization,..I studied the subject for 18years now,..few months ago I made a blog to publish the results of my studies,please have a look:
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