Alright suddenly it from one doomsday theorem to the next -Rips hair out- First Planet X and the Nancy Leider Club. and now its on to this one world government dictatorship and its concentration camps for Americans and military law enforced by foreign troops (some may i mention are allies of the US which is just preposterous that i want to laugh) and theories of Russians and Chinese taking over and becoming the New police of the New world order in conjunction with FEMA (a government disaster and aid unit!) . also they went off about how secret societies like the "Illuminati and Masons are going to do this to the world." and how they will use force to kill anyone in their way. First off i have heard of this theory. It mostly comes from the Religious fundamentalists in our country, my Grandmother tried to ram this down my throat when i was 14 along with her Creation theories. I mean if you are a christian i have nothing against you. but trying to force beliefs down the throat of children isn't right.
anyway along with the NWO I got all this flak about the Annunaki and their evil plan to return to earth and enslave the people of Earth, and how several presidents and people of Royal descent are directly linked to them. That irritated me to the point of no return. I'm of English and Scottish Royalty on my fathers side of the family. I'm especially proud of that and that just got under my skin. when will these wackos stop filling peoples heads full of S&^%! like the planet X issue no matter what i said didn't convince them….
I got another Probelm with friends...this time one world governements and Annunaki...
Okay this has dragged on. First Planet X and Nibiru. Now its on to the Christian Fundamentalists theories on The NWO a one world anti-Everything dictatorship somehow fueled by The UN and then The Annunaki those reptilian aliens all these people love to talk about.