I rented a movie out of one of the Red Box things today and there was a documentary in it from the History Channel about Nostradomus(?) and it was titled "We're Running Out of Time" and the description of the movie said that he predicted that the end of mankind ould happen in 2012 and that thismovie gave reasons to support it. Kids are seeing this stuff….If it's all a hoax,this is getting out of hand. I personally would be pissed if my kids saw it with that ridiculous title!!!!
It's possible to look up all of Nostradamus' quatrains (verses) and you will find no mention of 2012.
I remember reading that in cases where his prophesies mentioned specific places, people or dates, he was wrong 99.5% of the time. You could do better than that by pure guesswork. It looks as though he wasn't even a good guesser.
Unfortunately, not until 2013 most likely.
Fortunately, most likely until 2013 when hopefully everyone can look back and laugh until another wild and unnecessary prediction is made. Then they will try again, but fail.
Nostradomus doesn't do well with dates. They are too specific.
Has any other end of the world/end of mankind scenario gotten this much publicity? Like rental movies and being on FoxNews and stuff??
Y2K (as a doomsday) got a lot of attention. I don't have any numbers available to me to indicate whether 2012 is bigger than Y2K (in terms of hysteria), but I have yet to receive a letter from a lawyer seeking certification of our information infrastructure being "2012 compliant". I got several of those in 1999.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I was watching the Hysteria channel, watching an episode of Dogfights. and during commercial breaks they said they were having a big video sale on all 2012 related material. like they were trying to dump this crap quick. As if someone at the network was like crap we need to sell these videos off now. so I'm assuming this rental crap is an extension of trying to make more money off this 2012 hoax.