If anyone has done any real research, which many have not, they would understand that the whole end of the world in 2012 is not real. The current Chief of the Mayans has this to say Real 2012, it is a rebirth, a new age. But if you also look at the actual current speed and at history it is also known a polar reversal is also due very soon, it is increasing in speed towards Russia, it is recorded thoughtout History that on average there is a polar reversal every 250,000 years. So the whole 2012 theory is not bogus, most is fabricated and designed to scare but they will be something happenign soon. People do your own research, don't just listen to a single website that has an agenda, go to many places, especially those that are neutral or do not have a bias view.
Om Shanti and Namaste, Fellow Brothers and Sisters.