Hello, my friend in my World History class mentioned that the Arks from the movie 2012 were really being made since there have been earthquakes and other things going on. He also said the tickets were going to be $125,000! I was too worried to actually search knowing I would get "facts" so I thought the best place to ask was here. Trying to get back to my senses I thought of a few things:
1. If it was happening, why hasn't Obama or any other world leader mentioned it?
2. I would have seen this on CNN since I can't help but check.
3. Why would they be so expensive? Sure, a ticket on a cruise is bound to cost that much maybe.
4. Why are there other scheduled events in China and other countries scheduled to happen beyond 2012?
When I think of how to argue, I try to think of a way they can argue back so I can counter it better. But knowing doomsayers…
Do any of the 1-4's I mentioned seem plausible to disprove of my friend saying the making of these Arks?