what meaning does this have?
your link is not beeing directed properly so we dont know what you are trying to show us SORRY ;)
I apologize I hope this one works
It means nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Bupkes. Squat. Jack.
It's just a demonstration that went awry. It happens. Please calm down, Noemi. I know this 2012 stuff makes you nervous, but there really is nothing to fear. This site explains that in excrutiating detail.
Sorry but did i miss something from this video i really dont see what it relate to 2012 ?????
thats a weird video, if it was about 2012 and real, it should be all over the news by now, and its not..
how can all these professional journalists miss something amateur journalists catch?
Am I watching the right video? This is a short (35 second) video of an arrest at a protest in Pittsburg, PA during the G20 summit in September 2009?
Did someone say that this had something to do with 2012? Perhaps they were talking about the other 2012… the Olympics in London? I have heard several people complain that the Govt. in the U.K. is cracking down ahead of the games, so perhaps this is somehow related to that in their mind?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I apologize for not explaining, but yes i understand it has nothing to do with the 2012, but i thought perhaps you guys can also help me with the fear i have over the new world order and all these speculations about the government hiding something from us. After i watched this video i feared the new world order a lot since they link it to it and that the G20 also has something to do with it.
If anyone has ever presented evidence that an entity or movement such as the "New World Order" even exists, I certainly have not seen it. Assigning singular conspiratorial significance to wide swaths of events is to commit the furtive fallacy. Governments are elitist by their very nature and are all more or less corrupt at some level, but the same could be said for some corporate assemblies or maybe even your local PTA. Hand-in-hand with this state of affairs come secrets and lies, and such has been the case for most of recorded history. Concern about the "NWO" is wasted effort that could be put toward addressing demonstrably real problems, IMHO.
One last Questions how bad is the Iceland volcano?
Well, as far as volcanoes go, it's fairly bad.
It's not (if you will excuse the pun) the "end of the world". We've seen bigger eruptions… this one is badly positioned so that it happens to blow ash over Europe and ground a lot of flights. I spoke with a friend of mine in Scotland, and he said that there's a fine coating of ash on everything. Fortunately the major portion of the ash plume has circled around the U.K. for the moment, but I hear that Sweden got quite a bit.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind