Always interesting to see the logical fallacies and misleading arguments. Everybody uses them sometimes. Sometimes by mistake. Sometimes not.
Of course, this list cannot be complete. There are thousands of these. Cable news is inventing new ones all the time.
Some cable news channels have perfected the technique of talking while the guest is trying to make a point. I don't see that covered. How about "Argumentum ad Hitlerium"?
A lot of times I don't know if the cable channels are deliberately using logical fallacies or are just plain rude. They invite guests onto their shows with advanced university degrees and then ask them something completely off the wall that has nothing to do with what they're there for. I think newscasters do it for "shock value". In other words, to distract the viewer's attention from the distinguished guest to their own personalities. As in, "Gotcha!!"
OK, who's the news? The newscaster or the guest? If it's the newscaster, then why even have a guest on his show?
It gets ratings. What a sad commentary on contemporary Western civilization.
Plato "discovered" logical fallacies and misleading arguments. Then, instead of using the knowlege to enlighten debates, he told his students to use them as weapons against the "lower classes". I don't know why he's considered such a smart philosopher; this teaching was the instruction in spreading idiocy. Plato was WRONG. You're supposed to AVOID logical fallacies and misleading arguments. Calling somebody for using these and then using them yourself is just disrespect, especially in this internet age where anybody can look up Plato's "secret".
I sure wish we could see some more civilized discourse in our society. I think not using logical fallacies is called, "being polite". People used to be taught "manners". I'd sure like to see a return to that value for our society.