It's true that we've advanced in technology, but it's also true that we've become entirely dependent on technology.
The ancients usually relied on the sky itself (star navigation), they didn't have 10,000 street lights or huge buildings lit like a Christmas tree, they really had no choice, but to look at the sky and they literally mastered the sky in terms of predicting when each solstice would come and so forth.
The one thing that separates us from the ancients is that they looked at the sky for years, even centuries, day in and day out.
We pick up a telescope or go somewhere with a large telescope, take a peek and then our curiosity is satisfied, but most of our time is dedicated to modern-day life and quite obviously, many of us (despite the number of amateur and professional astronomers) really don't look at the sky that often.
Perhaps they couldn't predict anything in the future, neither can we.
Disasters (depending on what you consider to be a disaster) happen everyday, but a disaster that could essentially kill all life on Earth as some doomsayers are saying, there's no way.
Perhaps a new virus, maybe a surprise from an unseen space-rock, but those are things that could literally occur at any time.
I simply say that we (meaning the modern population) should shut their mouths and open their minds and stop taking everything that the ancients ever wrote or drawn out of context.
That's the problem with our society today, we rush to a conclusion and we take things way out of context and then we believe that we're correct, even when we're wrong.
Excuse me while I go paint myself yellow and sing the SpongeBob theme.