Isn't it weird that the Maya ended their calendar on the same year as 2 eclipses, solar maximum and a planetary alignment? I mean, they were great astromomers…They had to watch the sky to know the time…They were more intuned to it….They may know something we don't…I think it's fishy that their calendar end conincides with all of these things. I'm truly worried we only have 2 years left. Then there was the thing they found that said something about the God of War coming from the sky on 12/21/2012…Also, Discovery Channel and History Channel are doing documentaries with scientists. And something that happens every 26,000 years, and that just happens to be 2012….Can you explain this stuff?
Most of the idiots on TV blow everything completely out of proportion and they take everything out of context.
For example; A show on the History Channel stated and I quote "The Maya predicted the end of the world in 2012 and we should prepare", this is utter nonsense. No where (that I have seen) has the Maya text said that the year 2012 is a time of tragedy or a time of ending.
The Maya calendar doesn't end, but moves forward, if you will. A lot of people claim to find a lot of different things, but the fact is that translations of ancient languages (Maya included) are not 100% in fact they probably never will be and because the translations aren't 100% there will always be people claiming to find predictions of the end when in fact the text says something completely different.
It's much like the Bible, many people take the Bible literally when most of it shouldn't be taken literally at all, due to some of the text from the Bible, some groups of people have been saying that we have been nearing the end of times because of earthquakes, volcanoes, so on and so forth, but earthquakes and volcanoes are common-place among our planet, but because the Bible says something that resembles these occurrences, everyone panics.
The Maya calendar doesn't predict any end, nor do any of the text that I have seen and to be quite honest and quite blunt, everything on TV is simple and misguided bullshit masked with small and irrelevant facts to make it that much more dramatic for the viewers.
December 21st, 2012 = Maya Calendar transition, not the end of anything.
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Actually, the calendar cycle ending coincides with nothing except the December solstice which happens every year.
1. There are an average 2.4 eclipses each year. The number of solar eclipses in a single year can range from 2 to 5. Nearly 3/4 of the time there are 2 eclipses in a year.
2. The Mayan calendar merely ends a cycle and begins another.
3. There is no planetary alignment in 2012.
4. The Tortuguero monument, which is the only place this date is mentioned, doesn't say the God of War will descend. It says the nine support gods will descend into (something illegible). Have you always believed in the Mayan gods?
5. The History and Discovery Channels are having mockumentaries, but not with scientists. They are showing sensationalistic crap to increase their viewers and make more money for advertising. They are doing this to attract gullible people who will believe any garbage they see.
6. There is nothing happening in 2012 that happens only once every 26,000 years. That is another of the doomsayers' lies.
You have swallowed an enormous pile of absolute rubbish.
Hi "ScaredOf2012":
The 'coincidences' you are worried about are fictional.
1) The Maya did not 'end their calendar' in 2012. See Why 2012?, Mayan Calendar, and Mayan Prediction.
2) A year with 2 eclipses is not at all uncommon, in fact it's fairly frequent. See and There were two eclipses in 2009, and will be two in 2010.
3) The Maya knew nothing of the solar cycles, and solar maximum will occur in 2013, not 2012.
4) There is no planetary alignment in 2012.
5) The Maya were pretty good astronomers for not having telescopes… but the Greeks were better, and first.
6) The whole "god of war" thing is made up. There is one, and only one, inscription referencing the 2012 date in all of Mayan archaeology, and it does not mention a "god of war".
7) Please don't call the trash that the History channel is putting out 'documentaries'. They use clips of scientists to try to justify their awful programs, but if you watch carefully the scientists do not say anything about 2012… they cut away from the scientists to the "authors" or "independent researchers" (the funniest one was when they started quoting the 'president of the Nostradamus society'… now there's an unbiased objective opinion, right?)
8) I have not seen any shows on the Discovery channel taking a pro-2012 stance. I could be wrong though, so if you have a link please let me know.
9) the 26,000 year cycle is the precession of the equinoxes… which happens constantly, and has nothing to do with 2012. It doesn't start or end, any more than a spinning top does something special on each wobble.
The year 2012 is going to be a normal year. There is no evidence that anything unusual will happen.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Someone didn't read much from the site…
Everything is proceeding as I have forseen. Wait… when did that happen?
"Someone didn't read much from the site…"
I've noticed that doomsayers, conspiracy theorists, young-earth creationists, et al. are bad about doing this when I make YouTube videos and post on Yahoo! Answers. They read the title and launch into an impassioned response without ever having actually bothered to digest the relevant content.
I do that too!
I'm also easily distracted by shiny objects and I like to lick windows.
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I am so scared to see my calander change every years i may get a paper cut that is the end of my world. I actuely love the new years i set goal that way i hope in 2012 i will have the job i love as in 2011 i will be done my program in College. That will a new begining for me come on 2012 come on faster i cant wait for you hehe…….