I'm right there with you Alene… sure, there's a humorous aspect of this, and I don't feel bad in pointing and laughing at the people who make silly claims, but when it comes down to scaring people literally to death, I get angry. Very, very angry. There are certain people among the 2012 doomsayers that I should probably stay well away from, just because I have a family, and I don't want to go to jail for assault.
Some of this should be easily dismissed by adults, but for whatever reason… perhaps as Dr. Tyson says, they didn't take enough science in school… the ideas seem credible to them. Some people just can't seem to parse what is science verses nonsense. I understand how Doctors Tyson, Brown, O'Neill, Morrison, Yeomans, Hoopes, and Van Stone feel… they want this ridiculous hoax to go away too, probably more than any of us. I commend them for sticking their hands up and saying "this is insane nonsense". Having the scientists say it is one thing, a good thing. But the message needs to be carried further.
Taking it to the people online (this website, yahoo! answers, etc), in person (classroom visits, lectures at libraries), and wherever and whenever we can… that's what I can do.
I am anguished about the rumors of suicides, or suicide pacts. I am overjoyed every time someone comments here on how much the site has helped them. That's why I didn't even mind Ray Mardyks' little tantrums in the forums here… the more he posts here, the more responses he gets. The more responses that he gets with links and keywords, and the year 2012 in them, the higher this site gets ranked. Ray-boy is my own little SEO-bot.
So, Undeadxnurse, I deal with my anger over this subject by going straight to the most vulnerable groups, by giving presentations in classrooms. I haven't done a library presentation yet, but I'm going to set one up very soon. I've incorporated a brief "2012 is nonsense" section in the standard astronomy talk I give to kids.
Every time I bring it up, I get parents and teachers telling me "thanks", because they didn't have the knowledge or resources to deal with it.
I will be very happy, but very tired, when 2013 rolls in.