Greetings! Your site is great and all the explanations counteract anything else I've seen about the topic. Do you have anything good for the crop circles?
Well, they are kind of a side-issue in the whole 2012 thing. There are people who claim that crop circles are somehow pointing to 2012, that they are made by aliens as a warning, etc., plus all of the usual stuff about how they are too complex to be made by people overnight.
Somewhere in England a group of university students snicker every time they hear that. My position is that they are made by people, and that there is documented evidence that supports this.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Yes, I buy that but "their" theories are pretty good and the circles look really great. There are a lot of "scientists" claiming connection with 2012. Has there ever been anyone caught doing the circles? They are all over the world not just in England - even if the brits started them (probably by Hugh Grant before he got the idea with escort services in Hollywood). I would like to find something serious to debunk them, but got nothing so far. Anybody?
In 2000 Matthew Williams was arrested after being photographed making a crop circle in Wiltshire, England.
There's an article on HowStuffWorks:
Here's an article on how the entire phenomenon got started in the late 1970s:
On a humorous note:
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
but "their" theories are pretty good
Out of curiosity, what are you calling "good?"
Thanks for the note. I agree that I fall into the same category that you guys try to debunk, with a statement like that you quote. What I (most likely meant) was what my idea about crop circles was from what I saw so far:
and many many other, some which are obvious scams.
Now looking and these with a critical eye, maybe I can see some pieces of …trying to get a good laugh at us commenting on "their creation". I can also see the source of income for those scammers and their acolytes. Now I can quote myself: "pieces of …".
(Great website - at least my kids won't laugh at me anymore as I changed my angle :-).)
We haven't really focused on crop circles since they have been around for more than 30 years and don't have any recognizable connection with the 2012 hoax. I consider the whole crop circle thing pretty silly and I see no reason to assume any supernatural or alien involvement.
When crop circles first started appearing, they were very simple, just a circle or a circle with a ring around it, that sort of thing. It is believed by some that these simple ones could be created by weather phenomena. The more artistic intricate ones, in my opinion, are almost certainly hoaxes.
"Most, if not all, crop circles are probably due to pranksters. For example, Doug Bower and David Chorley admit to hoaxing approximately 250 circles over many years."
T. Meaden, an English scientist, has personally investigated over 1000 crop circles. He remarks that, before all the media hype, all the corn circles were simple in design — including plain circles, ringed circles, and circles with small satellite circles nearby.
Here are a couple of commercial crop circle hoaxes:
When I think of crop-circles, I think of either a redneck with a board and some string, or an elaborate hoaxer.
Crop circles (to my knowledge) are man-made by either hoaxers or simply some people seeking publicity, there's nothing special about them other than the fact that they're pretty.
I used to know a farmer who made his own crop-circle in the form of a smiley face, very elaborate too which surprised me, but I didn't point and say "OMG!!!!!!!!! Aliens!!! 2012!!!!", however some people did and it was usually the people who wear pocket protectors and soda-bottle glasses and speak Klingon (did you know that they have universities for speaking Klingon?)
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