Hi 'TrueOrNot';
So far this year has been pretty active.
Perhaps. Perhaps not. I don't know what you mean by 'pretty active' as far as natural disasters. The number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is not unusual… in fact I think it's fairly average.
One thing that has changed in the last few decades is that there are a lot more people than there used to be. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World-Population-1800-2100.png for a graph) This means that whatever happens, it impacts more people than it did, say 30 or 40 years ago.
Now they are predicting an extremely active hurricane season.
Yes they are. Those estimates are based on ocean temperatures in certain key regions. Those temperatures are on the rise, but that has nothing to do with 2012.
Earthquakes, volcano eruptions, mass flooding….seems like all of this is adding up to something BIG.
You would have to show that those events are more common than they used to be, and I think that the evidence does not show that. One thing that is likely to happen is that weather patterns will change as the globe heats up.
All of the discussions on Yahoo are people saying that 2012 is the end of the world…
Well, there certainly are a lot of people asking questions, that is true. However, just because a lot of people are scared about something doesn't make that something true. A lot of people were scared about y2k as well. Everybody who didn't understand computers that well thought it was a big deal. People who knew computers pretty well thought that it was a big fear-driven ball of nothing.
Computer administrators, like me, were inundated with forms and questionnaires from various lawyers requesting we certify that all of our machines were Y2k compliant. Not only that, we had to certify that we had polled our vendors, and that they were Y2k compliant. It was ridiculous.
I deliberately did not patch one old SCO Xenix machine I had, and proudly showed it to my boss on the first business day after Y2k, ticking along doing its thing, even though It thought it was January 3rd, 100 AD.
I've read through your website, but i still have this bad gut feeling that something is going to happen to us all in 2 years.
I understand that, and the fact that you've read through this site is a good start. However, you have to ask yourself why you have this 'gut feeling'… Is it because so many people are talking about it? Kind of the old "Where there's smoke, there's fire" kind of thing? Or, are you actually scared by something specific? Is there something that someone is saying that you don't really understand?
I'm very scared…This has actually started interferring with my daily life.
I'm very sorry about that. This is why we made this site, to help people understand the issues, and thereby realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.
I don't know whether to listen to NASA and you guys…or the people who are syaing that 2012 is the end.
Well, I would prefer that you listen to us, frankly.
Ask yourself this: Which group of people gives you the references so that you can check up on the facts yourself? Which group of people presents their information in a website that is free of ads, does not try to sell you something, and does not ask for donations? Which group of people clearly states their motivation? Which group of people does not try to scare you?
There are so many videos on YouTube…Including a few that say they are from NASA…
NASA does have videos on YouTube. But they are generally not about anything having to do with 2012, or planet X/Nibiru, or the Mayan calendar. We have some links to people who work for or with NASA that you might like to take a look at: Try Neil deGrasse Tyson Mike Brown David Morrison and Don Yeomans.
Maybe the Mayans and Nostradamus knew something.
Nostradamus was a medieval charlatan, a con-man. He didn't even write about 2012. People who say that he did usually misquote him, or make claims about 'lost prophecies'. Besides, when he wasn't writing nonsense riddles, when he actually made testable claims, he was invariably wrong, so he wasn't even a good charlatan.
The Maya are often attributed 'advanced knowledge' of some sort, but the evidence cited as the indication of this advanced knowledge usually involves either some made-up attribute, like "they predicted the world would end in 2012" (which they didn't) or something that wasn't all that unique, like predicting eclipses and the cycles of Venus. The ancient Greeks did it first, and did it better, but I don't see people running around in fear of Zeus' thunderbolts.
Please help me with this. I really need to over come this fear and know the TRUTH.
Thank you!!!
Hopefully I've helped a bit. If not, if you could be a bit more specific about what is bothering you, then perhaps we can zero in on a specific claim.