Okey, so just as I had gotten over my fears regarding the whole LHC project (which I now know is quite harmless, thanks to you guys) when I came across an article (http://news.discovery.com/space/rogue-brown-dwarf-lurks-in-our-cosmic-neighborhood.html) written by Iain O'Neill regarding the newly discovered brown dwarf named UGPSJ0722-05. My doomsday radar picked up on this, mainly because some sites point to this as the aleged Nibiru/Planet X (if only they could decide which one it is) It seems like there is some confusement regarding this whole entity, and some sites around the web already claims this to be Nibiru/Planet X. It sounds almost hilarious, being as this brown dwarf is located aproximately 10 Lightyears away from us, and most likelly wouldn't come any closer, would it? But I still find this new discovery to be somewhat intrigueing, so I just wanted to hear some of your qualified guessings on why this dwarf is so special? And is this actually the first brown dwarf discovered in our solar system? I don't really know anything about astronomy, so could someone here please explain what all the fuzz is about?=)
Kind regards