With all.of the talk about the Maya calendar and Dresden Codex as well as pole shifts, sun flares and Nibiru why are you guys so sure that 12_21_2012 is going to pass as a normal day? Maybe the Maya or NASA know something..or are yall covering it up to pacify fears until it can't be kept quiet anymore? This has scared me to the point of not wanting to do any kind of long term goal because I think we won't be here in two years. Please help me with my fears.
I am actually having to see a therapist because of the anxiety I am suffering from worrying about 2012. I'm afraid to have kids because I don't want them to die in 2 years, I don't want to buy a house..why bother if we aren't going to be here. I really need help. Please don't think i'm crazy or give me sarcastic answers, this is a genuine fear for me. I'm 24 years old…I have my whole life ahead of me…Please please give me all the FACTS you can. I really appreciate it!!!
Hello again, Angel;
Down the left side of the page are links covering each topic. We have tried to be very through, and use verifiable facts.
If there is something that we've missed, let us know.
I reserve my sarcasm for the perpetrators of this vicious hoax, not the people who believe it.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Hi Angel;
The problem with listening to "all the talk" is that it is wrong. Popular opinion doesn't mean something is correct. It used to be popular opinion that your intellect could be determined by the lumps on your skull, or the color of your skin.
We deal with each of those topics individually… for example, on the Mayan Calendar page you will find information about the Mayan calendar, and how it is not as accurate as has been portrayed in the popular media. On the Mayan Prediction page you will find information showing that the Mayan Calendar does not end on December 21st, 2012. We don't have a page on the "Dresden Codex" yet, but you can use the search box up at the top of this page to search the forums and find a lengthy discussion about that particular book.
We talk about Magnetic Pole Shift or a Rotational Pole Shift, and how they will not happen in 2012.
We talk about Solar Flares and Nibiru as well as other purported Doomsday Objects.
Whatever the Maya knew has been lost to time and the destruction of their histories by the Spanish colonialists. We get hints of it here and there, in the few remaining books (codicies) and in their archaeology.
As far as what NASA knows, look under the Guest Views section, and read the ones by David Morrison and Don Yeomans.
Here's the short answer: Nobody can predict exactly what will happen. However, we can say that the various proposed doomsday scenarios are false… they can't happen. There is no Planet-X, or Nibiru. There won't be a pole shift of any kind. The Mayan calendar doesn't end in 2012. etc., etc.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
So, you FULLY believe that 2012 is going to come and go with no concern? Since we are still 2 years away, do you think the hype will grow, or taper off? I'm really afraid of this stuff. I don't want to just be gone in 2 years. I have so many plans that I now don't want to act upon because i think there is no reason to.
Can you reference any dates beyond 2012 that NASA or the government has set for anything? Missions or something..
Hi Angel
Think of it as a court of law, with the year 2012 on trial as the defendant, accused of planning to launch various doomsday events against us. As with all trials, the defendant starts off as innocent until proven guilty.
What does the prosecution have for evidence?
Planet X? There's no evidence for its existence. It can't get here in 2 years without being plainly visible in the night sky right now. It isn't there.
Pole shift? We know from the study of geology that magnetic pole shifts take thousands of years and rotational pole shifts take millions of years. What's more, there's no sign of either event about to take place.
Solar flares? These are no threat to life on Earth. They might temporarily disrupt communications, but that's about it. The current prediction is for the Sun to have a less active maximum than the last in 2001.
Alignments? The only alignment which affects us is the twice-monthly alignment of the Moon and Sun which gives us higher tides than usual. All other alignments between objects in space haven't the slightest effect on us. That's a plain scientific fact.
Ancient predictions? There's no evidence that any of these were even made. That's before you start to consider whether they might be correct. When ancient predictions go up against modern science, modern science wins every time. No contest.
Photon belt? There's no evidence for the existence of any such thing.
So where does that leave our trial? The prosecution have failed to come up with a single piece of credible evidence. The case is dismissed with 2012 remaining innocent. Just the same as 2011, 2013 or any other year.
Nobody can predict random future events. 2012 will have its share of storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars, political unrest and everything else, just like any other year. What it will not have is all these far-fetched doomsday events. NASA and the government can't cover all this up. Virtually every scientist in the world can work it out for themselves.
NASA has plenty of missions scheduled for beyond 2012:
Solar Probe Plus. Launch 2015: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Chron&StartYear=2010&EndYear=2019&MCode=SPP
Saturn Flyby. Launch 2015: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Chron&StartYear=2010&EndYear=2019&MCode=SFP
OSIRIS (Asteroid sample mission). Launch 2015: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Chron&StartYear=2010&EndYear=2019&MCode=OSIRIS
Terrestrial Planet Finder. Launch 2015: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Chron&StartYear=2010&EndYear=2019&MCode=TPF
James Webb Space Telescope. Launch 2013: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Chron&StartYear=2010&EndYear=2019&MCode=JWST
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission. Launch 2013: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Chron&StartYear=2010&EndYear=2019&MCode=MAVEN
All these missions have already had large sums of money spent on them. Has this money been wasted? Absolutely not.
It's really quite naive to say that absolutely "nothing" will happen when we do indeed live in such a dangerous world.
No, there is no such thing as Nibiru. The Maya never predicted a doomsday in 2012. NASA is not balled up in a conspiracy (if they were, we wouldn't even know half of the things that we do today).
Look at it this way…
You're going to die, but you're not in control of when you're going to die. You could die today, you could die tomorrow, maybe a year, maybe even decades from now, you could live to be 105. So there's absolutely no logic in hiding and living in a paranoid state over something that is, in the end, inevitable.
Like I have said before… The moral here is to live your life to the fullest, because you will never know when it will be snatched away.
2012 will pass just as any other year, but that doesn't mean that we as individuals do not face our own threats. I could walk outside right now, get struck by lightning, hit by a car then ran over by a train, but guess what? I'm still going to go outside, I'm still going to enjoy the Sun on my face, I'm still going to go swimming and hang out with friends.
In 1998 and 1999, "scientists" were "positive" that the year 2000 would be doomsday, that our species would meet its end. I guess I didn't get that memo, considering that I'm still here.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
I think you and your website are apart of a HUGE cover-up…and I think with all the pertinent info you have ,you MUST be Governmentally connected. To little to late !! Your site is VERY SUSPICIOUS and has way to much information for just being a regular site.I guess we will all find out the truth eventually,so deflect from the truth,WHY NOT!!!! ,YOU and your kind (POLITICIANS & GOVERNMENT) have been deceiving the public for centuries. I am quite sure there will be other ways, that this issue will try to be pushed aside, while other catastrophes are being thought up, to deflect people from knowing the REAL truth. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF !!!!! At least give humankind time to prepare, as well as those of you in the high ranks, have been doing.How do you save 6 1/2 billion people…You Dont!!! Instead contaminate their food ,water , air, and maybe even inject them with viruses.Mother nature can also help out a bit by spreading toxins from that catastrophic oil spill and destroying millions if not billions of marine animals,plants, shorelines and the livelihood of thousands of people.We still havent been told WHAT or WHO caused the explosion!! Is 2012 just a hoax ????? I have more faith in the MAYANS,NOSTRADAMUS,HOPI, and MILLIONS of others than in the governments of this planet.I hope all of those whom are using this website to DEBUNK the real truth, are being paid well, and will be able to live with themselves when they realize they chose the side of the VILLAINS.(Whoever your working for has brainwashed you and is trying to do the same thing to the rest of us.) THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE
I suggest that anyone that is pro 2012 not waste their time on this site !!!!.Most of the feedback is uneducated & antagonistic.They are mostly RUDE CHILDISH comments and quotes from the BIBLE. DO NOT give this website the traffic they are relying on to stay on the net.Let them occupy themselves with their inaccurate plagerized comments.Most comments are questionable as to whether the responder is over 12 years old, although there have been a few big words thrown around.Possibly to impress those who are fencesitters and mistakenly think their questions will be answered intelligently on this web site. NOT!!They want proof these things exist…..but cant prove they dont.Chances are they are willing to believe there is a GOD (no proof) and that the Bible was transcribe as being the word of GOD ( no proof)…..and are probably still telling all those 3rd Graders that there is a Santa Clause & an Easter bunny ( no proof),or heres a good one,that the world is round!!!!!They insist that the HISTORY CHANNEL, DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DAVID SUZIKI,and thousands of other scientists, physicist,Nobel Prize winners, NASA, are all making this up,that we are all fearmongers.SOOO……Who is DELUSIONAL this entire site and all those on it.See you in Heaven, OOPS (no proof) more than likely in Hell, OOPS (no proof).THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE …..NOT here..you wont find much if any :(
I suggest that anyone that is pro 2012 not waste their time on this site !!!!
So, why exactly are YOU wasting your time here? Shouldn't you be preparing for the doomsday or something?
Most of the feedback is uneducated & antagonistic
Look in the mirror. You came here first, making all kinds of wild accusations, huffing and puffing, and you have nothing to back up what you say. You are just full of hot air.
quotes from the BIBLE
I'm an atheist. I don't do bible or religions.
They want proof these things exist…..but cant prove they dont.
The ones making extraordinary claims - namely, claiming that Dec 21 2012 is going to be doomsday for all mankind - are the ones that have to come up with the proof.
You are making the claim, you prove it. That is how it works. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Again, where the hell is your evidence? Do you have evidence that the doomsday is going to happen in Dec 21 2012 or don't you? If you have the evidence, provide clear references. Youtube videos and anonymous internet forum posts do not apply.
Oh please. All you have is the Hystery Channel?
David Suzuki? Where does he claim that the doomsday will happen in Dec 21 2012?
thousands of other scientists, physicist,Nobel Prize winners, NASA
Ok, give us references to which of these "thousands of scientists and physicists" advocate the 2012 doomsday theory.
I know for a fact that NASA does not advocate 2012 doomsday. On the very contrary:
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris