Could you tell me why the earth looks so clear if you put in today's date, but it's dark and cloudy on 12.21.2012 @ 11:15 UTC?
I also went to SKY-MAP.ORG and typed in Nibiru(in the search box) and it pulled up this USNOA2 0975-06337002. This has scared me SUPER bad please help guys!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
Hi Laura
The NASA image simply shows a photograph of the Earth, with daylight and darkness arranged to show what you would see at any particular date or time. One image isn't more cloudy than another because it's the same basic image. If you look at the north pole in December of any year, you will see a lot of darkness. If you look in June, you will see a lot of daylight.
USNOA2 0975-06337002 is a faint star in the constellation Leo. It seems that the image in Sky-Map is a composite of images in red and blue light and they haven't quite aligned the two, so it looks a bit odd.
Pay no attention to the Nibiru idiots. They seem to spend all their time scanning through photographs of the sky trying to find anything unusual, then claiming it's Nibiru. They do it to provoke a reaction. They hope that people will look on with wide-eyed amazement. "Wow! You don't say! Can it really be true?" The worst thing that could happen to them is for absolutely no-one to comment on their discussion postings or ridiculous YouTube videos. Treat them as a bunch of clowns, as I do.
But, why is it listed on wikisky as Nibiru? I typed in the word Nibiru and that star popped up. how come it doesn't say search not found or something??
If it's like Wikipedia, it can be edited by anybody. The term 'anybody' includes idiots.
If WikiSky works like most Wiki projects, anybody can add anything to the existing content. As Richard said, someone probably added a "Nibiru" tag to that backwater star. Either that, or the developers are trying to be funny. It any case, Nibiru isn't real. Someone is just trying to be a comedian.
So, the object I named is FOR SURE just a star that some one has tagged(like on facebook?) to be Nibiru and this planet/brown dwarf is 100 % NOT REAL??
The star is just a star.
Most Wiki sites give everyone the right and the ability to edit any portion of the context that the Wiki holds. I could go to a Wiki website and slander the hell out of someone by editing the text.
Nibiru/Planet-X doesn't exist, if it did, and if it were coming at us and if it were so close that it would be here within two year, we would see it with the naked eye. We wouldn't need telescopes or infrared.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
It's definitely a star. It's number is 975-06337002 in the US Naval Observatory A2.0 Catalogue:
Its magnitude (brightness) is 15.1 which means it's about 10,000 times too faint to be seen with the naked eye. The people who search for this stuff are really scratching around among the faintest of stars for something unusual. What a waste of time.
Nibiru has been claimed to be behind the Sun, only visible from the South Pole, in a blank area of a star photo which has been censored or alternatively not censored at all because it's a red blob here or a red and blue blob there. It's been claimed to be a planet, a brown dwarf star and a comet-planet (whatever that might be). Someone even videoed Mars and claimed it was Nibiru. The fact that these people don't even come near to getting their story straight should give you one big clue. The thing doesn't exist.
Regarding the first question, try typing in december 21 this year and you will see exactly the same picture (much darker than the picture showing this month). I'm certainly no astronomer, but I'm guessing the differences comes from the fact that it portraits different times of the year (May vs December) and thus the sun hit the earth differently (perhaps).
Regarding the second question, it appears that users that are logged in to that site acctually can add their own "findings" and thus it's fairly simple to just pick a random spot and place Nibiru there. So no, I don't think that it acctually is Nibiru that you are looking at there=)