There is an article on that site saying if the oil isn't stopped or it blows it could be like yellowstone and cause extinction. Is this true? I mean it is happening so could the oil cause our extinction?? This really does scare me.
Not a chance. There have been even larger oil spills in history. I think the biggest one so far has been the Gulf War oil spill, which was deliberate. Wikipedia lists the amount of this spill at some 1,360,000–1,500,000 tons of crude oil.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill might have surpassed the 100,000 ton mark already, but it still is very far from the worst oil spills that have happened.
BTW, remember how the Iraqi forces actually set fire on Kuwaiti oil wells? Wikipedia says "Nearly 700 oil wells were set ablaze by the retreating Iraqi army and the fires were not fully extinguished until November 6, 1991, eight months after the end of the war. The fires consumed an estimated six million barrels of oil daily."
That didn't cause the end of the world, apparently. We are still here. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill will be a very nasty environmental catastrophe for the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, but a far cry from destroying the whole world.
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
ok, what about this then?
And who wrote that piece on Slashdot?
"An anonymous reader writes"
Since when have anonymous readers become credible and authoritative sources of information?
Where is the evidence that the Gulf Coast oil spill will cause a world-wide catastrophe? Anonymous posters on the internet or fear-mongering tabloid journalism do not count.
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
Not exactly sure that I can even take this question seriously, or not…
Like Marko said, there have been worse oil spills in history and to be quite honest, I just can't see an oil spill having equal power of a super volcano.
It's just another case of idiotic doomsayers grasping at anything and everything.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
I read today on Yahoo News and a local news website that the BP oil spill is worse then they had thouht. Also, they said they are going to try to plug it with mud and cement and that this was real-world disater and that if it gets to Florida and Cuba that the world could be affected. Is this something that is going to be a global matter? Also, what if when they try to plug it, it explodes…then what? It seemed like they didn't really know what to do. This really concerns me because I live on the southern east coast. Can someone please help me understand this article a little bit better? Thanks guys!!
Remember this News casters llllllllloooooooooooovvveeeee and thrives on fear DONT BELIEVE EVERY THING YOU READ…Now i will writte this every time you come out with a new article maybe you will believe me one day.
Here is an article from a professor in UNC Wilmington. I don't think this is just people wanting to get ratings. What would if the well cannot be plugged?
Forgot to add it. :)
Hi Laura,
No, I'm sure the professors aren't doing this for ratings. They did, however, say their calculation of how much oil is being released was just a quick "back of the envelope thing."
Their experiment is flawed because they used alcohol to simulate what the oil would do. Alcohol and water are completely miscible, while oil and water are immiscible. This means that the behavior of alcohol in water does not simulate the behavior of oil in water. So we can't really get any indication of what the oil is doing from their experiment.
The statement that the oil is separating (fractionating), with the denser fractions sinking to the bottom and the lighter fractions rising to the surface would be correct. Crude oil is composed of many hydrocarbons, ranging from tar and paraffin to oil and various shorter chain hydrocarbons. Those less dense than water will rise to the surface and those more dense will sink.
We don't know for certain where the ocean currents will carry all of the oil. It is an environmental disaster for sea life in the Gulf Coast area and possibly along the southern part of the eastern seaboard. That doesn't mean a global cataclysm. It will be very bad for fisherman who make their living from sea creatures in the affected areas, but it isn't anything like an end of the world event. They will find a way to stop the leak, hopefully very soon.