I know yall have debunked almost everything I've asked, bu5 I've started worrying again. I just want me and my babies to live a long happy life. I don't want it to end in 2 years. Please reassure me once again on ANYTHING that has been proposed to end the world. Thanks guys!!
Hi Laura,
No one can ever tell you absolutely 100% that the world will not end in any given year. What we can tell you is that none of the doomsday claims have a shred of scientific validity or even the slightest chance of happening. You have a vastly greater chance of dying form falling down or from a dog bite than from the world ending on December 21, 2012. Try multiplying 3,000,000,000 by 365.25. You have 1 in whatever vast number that comes to of life on Earth ending on that day. The top causes of death are cancer and heart disease. If you want to worry about dying, worry about dying of a realistic cause, not some silly money making hoax.
Thanks Alene. Did Revelations predict something? Do you think the claims and "evidence" will increase as 2012 gets closer? I'm sorry to be so bothersome, but this 2012 stuff has got me terrified. I feel like with each day that passes we are one day closer to doom. I also saw somewhere the Maya predicted the coming of Cortes. Something about butterflies and the sails on his ship. Maybe they did know something. I'm just so woried. It actually makes me sick. I also saw something about merlin predicted 2012 as the end.
Laura, Merlin is a fictional character!
The Book of Revelation is apocalyptic literature likely focused on the life of early Christians under some regime, either at the time of writing or some years before, possibly Nero. It has been invoked by doomsayers for 2,000 years, and we're still here. It doesn't say a word about 2012.
There's no evidence of anything sinister coming in 2012, so an "increase" in evidence could only occur if some such evidence were to appear. I don't anticipate this happening. The claims, on the other hand—yeah, I expect they will continue until December 22, 2012, and then the disappointed doomsayers will have to make excuses and schedule their next end of the world.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Mayan people predicted the arrival of Cortez. That is a baseless claim furthered by a charlatan named Carlos Barrios (who is listed on this site as a 2012 proponent). See this article for an explanation. If you're in a hurry, scroll down to the part that begins, "A Guatemalan anthropologist and student of Maya history," and read the next four paragraphs, but I recommend reading the whole thing. Barrios deceptively puts words in the mouths of the Maya.
Hi Laura,
2012 is not mentioned in Revelation or anywhere in the Bible. The claims about 2012 will probably continue to increase as they have been since this doomsday hoax was invented.
The Mayan Empire collapsed about 600 years before Cortes arrived. There were still plenty of Maya around and there still are. The Maya did not predict the end of the world in 2012. In fact, they had dates referenced up to I believe it was 4797. Their calendar was simply a count of days, not an instrument of prophecy.
The Aztecs thought their gods were going to return, so they welcomed the Spanish when they arrived.
Merlin was a fictional character, so of course, he made no predictions.
To my knowledge, the only place where 2012 is directly mentioned is the Maya long-count calendar and the Maya themselves say nothing of an apocalypse, armageddon or anything else of the sort.
I can't 100% assure you that everyone will live a long, happy life like in the fairytale novels, sometimes there are happy endings, sometimes there aren't. Example… I don't know when I'm going to die, I could die tomorrow, a year from now, 50 years, or I could die before I even finish typing this, but that doesn't stop me from living my life and enjoying it.
2012 isn't the end of mankind, it isn't a date of sorrow, or tragedy, it isn't a date of ending, it's just another date and another year. Fools will always find a day, month, year and time for "end of times" and "end of times" prophecies and predictions have been floating around since… well… since man first started to gaze and wonder about our origins and our demise.
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